View Full Version : Yoyo: ECM@ARM error, you need more swap

01-11-17, 02:27 PM
Since ECM runs also on ARM I see many error on such systems. Thosesystems are mostly small single board systems as Raspberry Pi or Odroids. They have many cores but less RAM and mostly no swap. The ECM wokunits consume less RAM at the beginning but after some time require adhoc 1 or 2 GB of RAM. Boinc can handle it but not so fast as the RAM is allocated and running multiple ECM workunits in parallel makes it worse. They often allocate much RAM at the same time. tl;dr Configure more swap in your system. Consider the old rule swap size = 2 times RAM for systems up to 2 GB. Here a tutorial how to create more swap space: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-04#check-available-space-on-the-hard-drive-partition

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