View Full Version : International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Sept 19th

09-06-16, 05:15 PM
Don't forget that this lovely holiday is now less than 2 weeks away. It's traditional that Pirates produces work for a period of time both before and after that holiday. Make sure you have everything ready to batten down the hatches and shiver those timbers when the (very rare) work does finally hit the plank! :ar!

09-06-16, 09:46 PM
Don't forget that this lovely holiday is now less than 2 weeks away. It's traditional that Pirates produces work for a period of time both before and after that holiday. Make sure you have everything ready to batten down the hatches and shiver those timbers when the (very rare) work does finally hit the plank! :ar!

Pirates has been retired (according to boincstats)

09-06-16, 10:25 PM
Pirates has been retired (according to boincstats)

Don't believe everything you read on BStats =))

09-06-16, 10:54 PM
Even the thread about "Retiring" Pirates on BS-tats has this commentary from one of the key players in the BOINC world:

I have deleted it on the basis that it is not a BOINC Project for by their own admission it does nothing.
Pirates@home started off as a test project for the Einstein project. At Pirates the BOINC forum code was tested, as well as whether or not the Einstein screen saver worked. The screen saver was originally programmed by Eric Myers, now administrator of Pirates@Home.

It's been in the air since late 2004.

To me that bags the question, Is it run just to collect email addresses?, or some other hidden agenda.
Eric tests out new code from time to time. But the last couple of years he hasn't had much time due to Amanda, his adopted daughter. Her handicap makes it that he has little time to update the project, or do all the things he wanted to do. Perhaps again in the future.

Pirates is not a project you add to run up a huge credit tab, because the work runs fast, pays little and the server will back off an hour after each scheduler request. The work is also only available very sporadically. Mostly around birthdays and the 'Talk like a Pirate' day. So just because it doesn't behave the way you are used to from other projects, does that make it questionable, untrustworthy? That the project is actively regulated is shown by the complete lack of spammers.

09-07-16, 08:13 AM

09-07-16, 08:51 AM
I've added this project; unfortunately, it won't let me pick a Team. It would be nice to add some points beyond the 80 I have now.

09-07-16, 10:35 AM
I get a project down message when I try to add new putters. need to add several. :(

09-07-16, 10:52 AM
I get a project down message when I try to add new putters. need to add several. :(

When I added the project, the project window said, "Project added successfully", I just noticed that under Status it still says, "Attaching to project".

09-07-16, 11:05 AM
According to their front page, new account creation is disabled.

09-07-16, 02:01 PM
It's common for it to not allow new machines to attach during the quiscent times. Once the spin up the work generator and all it seems at least the machine adds become allowed. Not sure about new accounts though. I just want enough work to take over that #1 spot there. :)

09-07-16, 02:02 PM
I just want 100 hours ... but without an account it will probably make it a little more difficult =))