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Thread: LHC user opt-in for exports

  1. #1
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    LHC user opt-in for exports

    Just as an FYI, LHC has updated their server code also, so you need to explicitly set the flag in preferences to allow export of your data in the xml.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member
    Mumps's Avatar
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    Milwaukee, WI

    Re: LHC user opt-in for exports

    Which of the numerous LHC Project sites is this supposed to be for? LHC@Home 1.0 ( redirects to a page that isn't accepting my BOINC credentials.

    EDIT: Ahhh. So you don't use "Sign in" from the upper right corner of that page. You need to use the Menu for Projects to go to any one of the Boinc Project sites and make your settings change there.
    Last edited by Mumps; 12-17-18 at 12:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Gold Member
    trigggl's Avatar
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    November 6th, 2010

    Re: LHC user opt-in for exports

    Is it only one project this needs to be done at or are they still split up?
    6r39 7r199

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