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Thread: Well i was coming back

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Well i was coming back

    My dad died last year may 31st, ALS. Been slowly getting my shit together and started crunching again. Went to a protest and got shot at by police... that changes you. All i want to say is support your communities, help your neighbors, show up.

  2. #2
    Silver Member
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    If i didin't say it before, please hear me. Fuck the police. They will shoot you.

  3. #3
    Ambassador from TSBT scole of TSBT's Avatar
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    I'm sorry to hear about your father, Mindcrime. My dad died in '92 at the relatively young age of 61. I think still about him often.

  4. #4
    Silver Member
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    without getting in to it, my dad was robbed. he did everything right, he worked his way up to become a VP at a defence supply contractor., he ate right, he exercised...he raised the most money for this city's ALS fund. I am currently honor him by show up to my local protests. this city is amazing, we tare care of eachother and i can only assyme every other city is the same. The cops have shot at me, i didn't bring weapons. things change real quick when the country you signed up to protect USMC 2000-2005 and then cops shoot you. I am against the police state, im sorry if that offends anyone. but i'm angry, im in pain, i need support.

  5. #5
    Gold Member

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    Re: Well i was coming back

    Sometimes talking to strangers helps a bit to minimise your pain. Here in the U.K. we have mental health and well-being group supporters that you can have a chat with, by phone and personally. The only thing I can share with you is my private phone number if you wish to have WhatsApp calls.

  6. #6
    Gold Member
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    sometimes u need to think about why something happened. there are two sides to every story. you should always try to understand both sides.[/url]

  7. #7
    Team Member Egilman's Avatar
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    Quote Originally Posted by MindCrime View Post
    My dad died last year may 31st, ALS. Been slowly getting my shit together and started crunching again. Went to a protest and got shot at by police... that changes you. All i want to say is support your communities, help your neighbors, show up.
    I was shot at crossing a bridge in '65..... Yes it changes you.... there are small people in the world, we must be bigger than them....

    Courage of conviction will always trump the cowardice of fear.....

    Thank you for your service....

  8. #8
    Silver Member
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    Looking back at my comments before...i was very angry. After seeing what happened in Minneapolis and DC i showed up to a BLM rally/march (not riot at a police station) we marched acrossed our iconic burnside bridge and stayed and chanted and got a great photo-op. But a few blocks later we were flash banged and tear gassed. So yeah i got pretty angry. I know there's a diverse spectrum of views here and I'm not trying to send anyone a message. I think it looks like i needed to vent.

    Anyways I'm good, i've been going to protests almost every other night on average...about 15. Been flashbanged, tear gassed, and blind side tackled by fully riot geared cops and it's almost a sport now.

    You can message me or if someone wants me to write about it in an appropriate place hit me up. I'm sure some of yall had some very "cool zone" (new term hard to explain), times in your lives, wars, natural disasters.. i was in the marines they sent me to iraq... i've seen more action on my own streets than iraq and we're unarmed! anyways I'm saying all this with a grin on my face. peace

  9. #9
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    Hello MindCrime,
    I haven't been on the forums much at all so I'm a bit late to the discussion. Anyhoot.....

    First, I thank you for your service and sacrifice defending our nation.
    Second, as a person of mixed race growing up on the "North Side" of Chicago in the 60's, I understand anger and how injustice fuels it. Trust me on that.

    I don't want to stir things up so I'll just say be careful out there and watch your 6.


    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  10. #10
    Gold Member
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    Re: Well i was coming back

    Mindcrime, what I'm wondering, since it appears you're in Portland Oregon, why were they burning an elk?
    6r39 7r199

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