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Thread: Did we lose someone?

  1. #21
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    "#1 in the world" is ambiguous. Measured how? It doesn't say. I can think of three or four different ways to measure "#1".

    If it is total credits, then we should be crunching only the following three projects:

    CUDA: PG

    And never run anything else. EVER.

    That sounds like fun to me.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  2. #22
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    "#1 in the world" is ambiguous. Measured how? It doesn't say. I can think of three or four different ways to measure "#1".

    If it is total credits, then we should be crunching only the following three projects:

    CUDA: PG

    And never run anything else. EVER.

    That sounds like fun to me.
    You're just not a team player. You need to get with the program. No more MM's for you.
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  3. #23
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
    "#1 in the world" is ambiguous. Measured how? It doesn't say. I can think of three or four different ways to measure "#1".

    If it is total credits, then we should be crunching only the following three projects:

    CUDA: PG

    And never run anything else. EVER.

    That sounds like fun to me.
    Well, there are those among us who do just that and I see nothing wrong with it? Its their hardware, their money and their time. Who among us has the right to say they are wrong? As a percentage, how many team members are even aware that this debate exists?

    How about instead of needlessly placing team members on the defensive, we try something different?

    zombie, you stated above that you can think of at least 4 different ways to measure #1 in the world. Well, why not make all four part of the overall team objective. Say something like:

    "Team SETI.USA's goal is to be #1 in the world! So here are some of the possible ways you can to contribute and measure your success along with the Teams:

    Strategy #1:____________________
    Strategy #2:____________________
    Strategy #3:____________________
    Strategy #4:____________________

    Please help Team SETI.USA accomplish something amazing!"

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  4. #24
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    I'm pretty sure zombie67 is not saying there is anything wrong with the DNETC/Aqua/PG strategy. Just that it doesn't particularly intrigue him (a sentiment I happen to agree with). No judgments, just an opinion on an interest factor.

    Off the top of my head, here are the ways I can think of to measure "Being #1" as a team:
    1. #1 in overall credits
    2. #1 in [insert project]
    3. #1 in the most projects
    4. Having the most Team MMs in a particular category.
    5. #1 in Formula BOINC
    6. #1 in BOINCStats World Cup
    7. #1 in DC-Vault

    I'm sure I'm missing some, but that's what I can remember right now...

  5. #25
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    My point is that our goals are not clear and so long as that is the case, we'll attract people who think they know what our goals are and later wander away when they realize they really don't match up with what they had in mind.

    So, what does being "#1 in BOINC" mean? To me it means #1 in total credit. To some it may mean #1 in CPU projects or #1 in UOTD awards or whatever. Right now, we are like Charlie Brown -- wishy washy, and if SETI.USA is a BOINC leader, I don't think that is what we want. Right now I think we are like a little kid who, after the bully took away his ball, tries convincing himself he really didn't want that anyway. That's how I see us with the total credits issue. We had it for a long time. We felt so good about having it that we decided to go for other additional #1's in specific projects or groups of projects. But, now that we've had a bunch of those taken away and also lost our overall #1 in total credits, we are pretending like we never really wanted that anyway.

    Or, maybe those members who believe the goal should be #1 in overall BOINC have all left and it no longer matters. If that's the case, then the current members need to set forth the new team goals.

    Define and post our specific, achievable goals. Each goal must have a measurement, so #1 in BOINC is not a goal. #1 in FB or #1 in Free-DC Team MM or #1 in total boinc credit as measured on the xxxx stats site would be. Then, if Joe Blow is a die-hard widget cruncher and will only ever crunch widgets, he knows in advance that joining our team will mean his goals and the team goals are not in sync assuming our #1 goal is not to be #1 in widget crunching.

    For me, #1 in BOINC should be re-worded as "#1 in BOINC Combined credit across all projects" and that will be measured using BOINCStats and Free-DC. We have to be #1 on both to be considered #1.

    If you disagree. That is OK. I agree we can disagree. But a team can't have 10 different plans or we won't be successful at any of them. So, post your specific measurable goal and let's have a team vote and then put the goal(s) on the front page for the world to see.

    Crunch3r obviously felt that #1 in BOINC means total credits. He never hid his opinion. I'm guessing that right now, only one or two of the team's top crunchers agree. So, if 70-80% of the team disagrees, maybe it isn't a good fit. All I'm saying is that right now, no one knows for sure because we yet to clearly define our secondary and tertiary goals. Or, maybe we really can't and our only team goal is #1 in SETI.
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  6. #26
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxwell View Post
    I'm pretty sure zombie67 is not saying there is anything wrong with the DNETC/Aqua/PG strategy. Just that it doesn't particularly intrigue him (a sentiment I happen to agree with). No judgments, just an opinion on an interest factor.
    Yep. Exactly what I meant, if I was not clear.
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  7. #27
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Doggonit! The most important discussion happens while I'm away!
    In 100% agreement with Slicker. This is why we are losing people and not attracting new blood. Any good marketing firm or business coach would tell us the same thing. Slicker has spelled it out for free.

    For me, #1 in BOINC should be re-worded as "#1 in BOINC Combined credit across all projects" and that will be measured using BOINCStats and Free-DC.
    I'll go with his quote above as my vote for our secondary goal (since first goal is #1 at SETI).

  8. #28
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Thank you Maxwell and Slicker for your valuable input. Much Appreciated. And BTW, I agree with you Slicker on all the points you mentioned.

    Of course most of us active on the old and new forums have been through this debate at least once before...

    Some facts:
    According to BoincStats
    Number of members: 12,840
    Number of active members: 2,791 (Which equals 21.7% of team membership)

    According to the Forum member list
    Number of members with accounts on this forum: 156 (Which equals 5.6% of active team membership and 1.2% of total team membership)

    I realize I am just a guppy in the pond, but the squeakiest wheel...

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  9. #29
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Here's my definition of #1.

    Crunch what you want when you want without pressure from team mates. It should be enjoyable for all.

    Heavy hitters are pressured most of all. Just because they are the majority of credits on any given projects, doesn't oblige them to be the team saviors. They don't owe me anything or anyone else.

    That's the kind of team I want to be on. I suspect that's the kind of team the majority of team mates that never visit the board want to be on.

    Make it enjoyable for enough people and maybe we'll have the retention of members that we need to be No.1 overall. I mean that as a bonus not an objective.
    Last edited by trigggl; 11-27-10 at 12:43 PM.
    6r39 7r199

  10. #30
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    Re: Did we lose someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by trigggl View Post
    Here's my definition of #1.

    Crunch what you want when you want without pressure from team mates. It should be enjoyable for all.

    Heavy hitters are pressured most of all. Just because they are the majority of credits on any given projects, doesn't oblige them to be the team saviors. They don't owe me anything or anyone else.

    That's the kind of team I want to be on. I suspect that's the kind of team the majority of team mates that never visit the board want to be on.

    Make it enjoyable for enough people and maybe we'll have the retention of members that we need to be No.1 overall.
    Agreed. My statements were never meant to be a "Most Do or Leave" thing. The intent is only to make friendly suggestions. And no, IMHO, we do not require saviors. Hence my suggestion of creating a series of objectives (or guidelines if you prefer) for the team. These could be added to "Welcome aboard" emails (preferably in the form of links) to new members and the challenge alerts sent to all members before an event.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

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