Quote Originally Posted by EmSti View Post
Basically I am not a fan of using a lot of free horse power to help people crack passwords. The language on their site is nice about help security experts, but the freely available tables are used to crack passwords freely. RainbowCrack and a few other programs exist to do just that. In my opinion, helping make what were secure password setups less secure isn't security. Granted this could be done with massive horsepower via other means, I just don't care to put my GPUs to the effort. My personnel preference is to crunch projects that I feel provide some benefit (of course the key is I feel, so it depends on what speaks to me).

Donate for instance interests me in 2 ways. I am intrigued by the bitcoin concept and more importantly that the funds are use to fund medical research (gpugrid). For me RAC is secondary.

BTW, On the topic of the thread, the app_info.xml change has stabilized Donate for me, I ran overnight without getting a neverending job. However, the "509 problem" is there. The 509 is the wus run extra long and produce empty result so you only get 590 credit instead of 5,900. 10% for 3 to 4 time the computing time. I did notice that this always occurs in pairs. Both wus that are sharing the same GPU will go out to lunch together. I think they have a state timeing problem in the app. Freeing up more CPU didn't stop it.
My sentiments exactly and therefore I second that motion. Having said that, I also have to admit that I am also a credit whore and as such I tend to crunch projects that gives me the best outcome first and than I will crunch the others as a secondary target to meet a specific need.