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Thread: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    FYI. There have been some questions on the BOINC email lists asking how to change the project URL. Turns out, there is no easy way to do this. So it *may* be that when it starts up again, it becomes a new project. If so, you better get you MMs for the current project ASAP.

    Dear supporters of QMC@home,

    we will move the project from the University of Muenster to the newly established Center for Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Bonn soon. At the same time, both design aspects as well as the scientific focus will be overhauled.
    We will not supply WUs apart from those left on the server until we are rebooting QMC@home from Bonn. The good thing is, that the project will receive the ressources and attention our supporters deserve!

    In the future, we will broaden our scientific scope, going from Quantum Monte Carlo at home to Quantum Mechanical Calculations at home so to speak. Our special focus will be on bio- and energy materials. In the field of biomaterials we will investigate the quantum mechanical treatment of protein-ligand interactions, which are fundamental to the development of new drugs. In the field of energy materials we will develop new materials for advanced batteries, which are of high importance for the electrification of the automobile, which in turn is of central importance for future mobility concepts.

    Many thanks to all those who still support QMC@home!
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  2. #2
    Gold Member
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    I've been following along on the email thread. The advice QMC has gotten so far is, well... crap. QMC QMC does NOT need to get the latest version of the BOINC software in order to move to a new server. Nor do they have to create a new project. What they would have to do is the same as if they were upgrading their server. The only difference is that the URL needs to be changed in a half dozen places in the config and they need to point the return address for the WUS a few days or a week in advance so that when they cut over, all outstanding WUs can still be returned. Users WILL have to detach and re-attach with the new address, but let's face it. FreeHAL, WUProp, and others have ALL changed their addresses and or domain name and they all managed just fine. Then again, they didn't ask DA how to do it.

    So... since it can be done and really isn't that hard to do, I would fully expect them to have to create a new project as that would fit Murphy's Law.
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  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Yeah, I know it *can* be done. As you point out, other projects have done it. But based on the advise he has received, I am not sure he will even try.
    "Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them" - Jackson Browne

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  4. #4
    Past Administrator
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Then why doesn't someone just contact them via the project's website and explain to them just how uber stupid DA is...???

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  5. #5
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    Then why doesn't someone just contact them via the project's website and explain to them just how uber stupid DA is...???
    Yeah! What he said...

  6. #6
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    Then why doesn't someone just contact them via the project's website and explain to them just how uber stupid DA is...???
    I give up. I've seen several posts referencing "DA". Just curious, who or what is "DA" and why are they still there?

  7. #7
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Quote Originally Posted by somanyroads View Post
    I give up. I've seen several posts referencing "DA". Just curious, who or what is "DA" and why are they still there?
    DA = Dave Anderson who is the guy that started the SETI distributed computing project, now know as SETI Classic (???) and the current BOINC distributed computing system/platform.

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  8. #8
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    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    DA = Dave Anderson who is the guy that started the SETI distributed computing project, now know as SETI Classic (???) and the current BOINC distributed computing system/platform.
    Thanks. There seems to be a number of Admin and former Admin on this project very knowledgable about what they speak. I'm guessing you are all of the same time period as in the start of distributed computing. Some day you will have to tell the rest of us about it, or as Paul Harvey would say, The Rest of the Story.

  9. #9

    Re: QMC: Project moving, maybe starting over

    Quote Originally Posted by somanyroads View Post
    I give up. I've seen several posts referencing "DA". Just curious, who or what is "DA" and why are they still there?
    DA would be the one who decided to take a galactic sized dump on us all with this thing called credit new; and the one that if ET were to contact us and were to read up on his ideas on credits, they'd probably end up getting the idea that we're all a bit foolish and perhaps not worth taking the time to communicate with, while passing by on their way to Orion's Belt

    Perhaps someone should just point the admins there the way of FreeHAL's admins and others, and suggest they speak to these guys, rather then to DA...

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