Two diferent ways of comunicating, one depends more on thoughts, the other on action, that needs diferent skills from the authors and directors.

But the real diference is that the book depends on one author and consumes only the author time with a small participation of the business men on his work.

Movies are an activicty that depends on a lot of money and of the producers, it is no longer one man product but a team production, including other external companies to the main studio, nothing depends on one single idea or will but in a capability of making compromises and some political skill to deal with a lot of departments.

It is this, not only but also, it is not possible to explain the complexity of TV or Cinema on any post but I wouldnt think we could explain the complexity of comunication or the capability of some men to comunicate feelings or thoughts on some sheets of paper.

I am reading:
Never Mind Philae’s Topsy-Turvy Touchdown, Its Brief Mission Advances Comet Science on Internet (another way of comunicating)

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