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Thread: What are you reading?

  1. #141
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    Re: What are you reading?

    just finished Killing Jesus,
    reading The Revolution -- From Egypt to Armagedoon[/url]

  2. #142
    Platinum Member
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    Re: What are you reading?

    Quote Originally Posted by shiva View Post
    just finished Killing Jesus,
    reading The Revolution -- From Egypt to Armagedoon
    That's a much scarier sentiment when you take it completely out of context. "Shiva just finished Killing Jesus." Let's just hope he hid the body well...

  3. #143
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    Re: What are you reading?

    yea lets not take that literally. but I never saw it.[/url]

  4. #144
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    Re: What are you reading?

    There are two and a half weeks that Ayyan Ali, one of the most famous models of Pakistan, is in Adiala prison. Was arrested at the airport in Islamabad on money laundering charges on 14 March. The 21-year-old model had over $ 500,000 in your bag (455,000 euros), which exceeds the legal limit that can be withdrawn from the country in cash.
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  5. #145
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    Re: What are you reading?

    What Must Be Said

    Why do I stay silent, conceal for too long
    What clearly is and has been
    Practiced in war games, at the end of which we as survivors
    Are at best footnotes.

    It is the alleged right to first strike
    That could annihilate the Iranian people--
    Enslaved by a loud-mouth
    And guided to organized jubilation--
    Because in their territory,
    It is suspected, a bomb is being built.

    Yet why do I forbid myself
    To name that other country
    In which, for years, even if secretly,
    There has been a growing nuclear potential at hand
    But beyond control, because no inspection is available?

    The universal concealment of these facts,
    To which my silence subordinated itself,
    I sense as incriminating lies
    And force--the punishment is promised
    As soon as it is ignored;
    The verdict of "anti-Semitism" is familiar.

    Now, though, because in my country
    Which from time to time has sought and confronted
    Its very own crime
    That is without compare
    In turn on a purely commercial basis, if also
    With nimble lips calling it a reparation, declares
    A further U-boat should be delivered to Israel,
    Whose specialty consists of guiding all-destroying warheads to where the existence
    Of a single atomic bomb is unproven,
    But as a fear wishes to be conclusive,
    I say what must be said.

    Why though have I stayed silent until now?
    Because I thought my origin,
    Afflicted by a stain never to be expunged
    Kept the state of Israel, to which I am bound
    And wish to stay bound,
    From accepting this fact as pronounced truth.

    Why do I say only now,
    Aged and with my last ink,
    That the nuclear power of Israel endangers
    The already fragile world peace?
    Because it must be said
    What even tomorrow may be too late to say;
    Also because we--as Germans burdened enough--
    Could be the suppliers to a crime
    That is foreseeable, wherefore our complicity
    Could not be redeemed through any of the usual excuses.

    And granted: I am silent no longer
    Because I am tired of the hypocrisy
    Of the West; in addition to which it is to be hoped
    That this will free many from silence,
    That they may prompt the perpetrator of the recognized danger
    To renounce violence and
    Likewise insist
    That an unhindered and permanent control
    Of the Israeli nuclear potential
    And the Iranian nuclear sites
    Be authorized through an international agency
    By the governments of both countries.

    Only this way are all, the Israelis and Palestinians,
    Even more, all people, that in this
    Region occupied by mania
    Live cheek by jowl among enemies,
    And also us, to be helped.

    Nobel-winning German writer Günter Grass
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  6. #146
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    Re: What are you reading?

    Wine Snobs Are Right: Glass Shape Does Affect Flavor
    Scientists show glass geometry controls where and how vapor rises from wine, influencing taste
    April 14, 2015 |By Jennifer Newton and ChemistryWorld

    Different glass shapes and temperatures can bring out completely different bouquets and finishes from the same wine.
    Credit: Courtesy Ozz13x Flickr

    Seeing is smelling for a camera system developed by scientists in Japan that images ethanol vapour escaping from a wine glass. And, perhaps most importantly, no wine is wasted in the process.

    Kohji Mitsubayashi, at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and colleagues impregnated a mesh with the enzyme alcohol oxidase, which converts low molecular weight alcohols and oxygen into aldehydes and hydrogen peroxide. Horseradish peroxide and luminol were also immobilised on the mesh and together initiate a colour change in response to hydrogen peroxide. When this mesh is placed on top of a wine glass, colour images from a camera watching over the mesh on top of a glass of wine can be interpreted to map the concentration distribution of ethanol leaving the glass.

    Different glass shapes and temperatures can bring out completely different bouquets and finishes from the same wine. So Mitsubayashi’s team analysed different wines, in different glasses – including different shaped wine glasses, a martini glass and a straight glass – at different temperatures.

    At 13°C, the alcohol concentration in the centre of the wine glass was lower than that around the rim. Wine served at a higher temperature ...

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  7. #147
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    Re: What are you reading?

    Sleep naked, body at a cool temperature increases the production of anti-aging hormone, melatonin. Furthermore, no inconvenience with buttons and seams. If you prefer, take out a sheet or blanket.

    Do not look at your phone, Artificial light of television, mobile phone, the tablet and computer functions as a stimulant amending the internal clock. Avoid looking at such displays, especially when you are in the dark.

    Hide the alarm clock, There is nothing more counterproductive than to be looking at the minutes pass. Think of the hours cause anxiety, so keep the watch where you will not see while sleeping.

    Work out but ... Exercise is great for relieving stress and muscle tension, but preferably out between 16h and 19h. Do not even think about going to the gym in the four hours before its time to go to bed, because the body temperature and adrenaline levels will be very high.

    Spread lavender is evidence that the aroma of this plant reduces the heart rate and blood pressure and has a relaxing effect. Pour a few drops on the pad may result.

    Type your concerns, Anxiety raises the levels of stress and takes sleep away. Write a list of concerns before go to bed can relieve some pressure.

    Breathe deeply the most important in the process of falling asleep is to calm the mind. Breathing exercises can help because not only slow down the heart rate and the nervous system as concentrate the mind on something else. Here is an example that should be repeated three times, exhale through the mouth, close your mouth and inhale through your nose for four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds.

    Do not smoke at night, a cigarette before going to bed does not relax. Rather, nicotine increases heart rate and keeps the brain alert.

    Even if you think that does not affect, do not drink coffee. Caffeine remains in the body for eight hours. If you are a large consumer of coffee, a spout in the afternoon can no longer prevent you from falling asleep, but disturbs the deep sleep, preventing it from rest.

    Forget that alcohol helps sleep, It is true that alcohol can help you fall asleep deeply, the problem is then, when it interrupts the sleep cycle in the late evening. Moreover, the alcohol can cause interruptions in breathing, which may wake you up.

    Drink a cup of hot milk, you knew? Great. But you know why it works? Because dairy products are rich in amino acid called tryptophan to induce sleep and contributes to the production of serotonin and melatonin, substances that cause drowsiness.

    Eat a banana, is because of the melatonin and tryptophan that the banana becomes also a good sleep aid.

    Check the mattress, the mattress Change every eight years is crucial to have good nights sleep without high or bothersome pits. In addition, the mattress should be adapted to each individual. The best is to test a minimum of 15 minutes in the store, experiencing the comfort of the back and stomach down.
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  8. #148
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    Re: What are you reading?

    Trial of Rafael Marques. "They are there to mine diamonds, but are killing people"
    Inhabitants of Lunda went the court to confirm accusations made by Rafael Marques in "Blood Diamond.", Inhabitants of the Lunda diamond provinces in northern Angola interior, traveled more than twelve hours to witness this Thursday in Luanda court alleged cases of human rights violations committed in the diamond exploration. At issue is the trial opposing Angolan generals to journalist and activist Rafael Marques, who denounced these cases publicly, resumed Thursday in the Provincial Court of Luanda, happening behind closed doors.

    The article is in Portuguese, here goes the link anyway
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  9. #149
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    Re: What are you reading?

    I am reading "Sonhos de uma Rapariga Quase Normal" or “Dream On Girl” Rita Redshoes a very surrealist book and also a music.

    Rita dreams and remembers everything. For every dream she made an illustration. 40 illustrations, 40 dreams: it is of these dreams we wanted to be made of.

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  10. #150
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    Re: What are you reading?

    One study concluded that the Earth is entering a new phase of extinction. Three US universities led the research, the results show that the human race can be one of the most at risk of being lost.

    Deforestation and climate change are cited as the main threats. In previous moments of mass extinction - taking as a basis the study of fossil and the history of the planet - the rate of disappearance species was more than 100 times higher when compared with other phases of the Earth.

    The destabilization of biodiversity and the threat to ecosystems is one of the most serious environmental problems today, recalls the report. Scientists from the universities of Berkeley, Princeton and Stanford concluded now that vertebrates are currently disappearing at a rate 114 times higher than the normal.
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