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Thread: New Project HIAST@Home

  1. #31
    Cruncher Pete

    Re: New Project HIAST@Home

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    ooops, forgot this was on my ToDo list...

    Edit: Al, you will have to do a transfer without my request as the request link isn't showing. Just click the administer link then click the change founder link. Now just select Team SETI.USA then click change founder button at the bottom of the page.
    I found that if a link like: Join this project, or Change Founder is missing changing browsers fixes this problem. However, in the case of new Projects, it could be it is not configured properly or deliberately. In deed, I found changing all the founders that some projects forbidden changes to founders due to too much abuse. Just a thought...

  2. #32
    Al's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 18th, 2011
    Chapel Hill, NC
    It's showing Team Seti.USA as Founder now.

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