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Thread: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

  1. #11
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    Until more companies produce games that will run on Linux I doubt this will have much of an impact for now. With STEAM leading the way others may follow if it can be made profitable. Only time will tell. JMHO

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  2. #12
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by nanoprobe View Post
    Until more companies produce games that will run on Linux I doubt this will have much of an impact for now. With STEAM leading the way others may follow if it can be made profitable. Only time will tell. JMHO
    Actually, there are LOTS of games written for Linux/Ubuntu. The real problem has been getting GPU driver support and DirectX emulation (or something to replace DX) on Linux. M$ has had an iron-fist grip on the balls of the Dev side. But with the certain demise of M$, we may see some rapid advances on Linux gaming platforms. Most of which will be Steam driven... (yes yes, its a pun)

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  3. #13
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    OpenGL (GL, not CL) is basically DirectX for non-windows, though it also works in windows. It's a multi-platform API and cross-language too. Renders 2D and 3D graphics. It's free. Pretty much every Nvidia GPU since the GT 420 supports OpenGL 4.3. Most before the GT 420 support 3.3. All AMD/ATI GPUs from the 5000 series on support OpenGL 4.1 to 4.3. 4000 series is 3.3. Intel HD 2000 and 3000 support OpenGL 3.1 while 2500 and 4000 support 4.0. We can assume HD 4600 and above support 4.3.

    Anyway, what i'm saying is that DirectX is not needed and hasn't ever been needed really. It's an easy (lazy) way for coders to write programs faster, though they sacrifice some performance doing so. And F$ is right, there are hundreds of quality games for Linux - not just those on Steam.

    Also worth mentioning, Android and Google's Chrome OS found on Chromebooks are all based on Linux. Playstations also use Linux. Just from those 3 examples, how many hundreds of millions (or maybe billions) of units did M$ miss out on?
    As of March 13, 2013, there are 750 million Android activations.
    Last edited by John P. Myers; 04-12-13 at 03:48 PM.

  4. #14
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    OSX can be competitive, depending on which machine you buy it on. When trying to build my CPU cruncher (see earlier threads), the goal was to beat the cost/performance of the mac mini. It's damn hard to do! And that's without even including all the great applications that come with OSX.
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  5. #15
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    And another nail in the coffin...

    Quote Originally Posted by S|A
    Microsoft cedes consoles to Sony, gives up on gaming
    XBox 720 loses badly because Microsoft didn't try

    GDC this year made one thing clear, Sony wins the next generation console race, period. This came as a bit of a surprise, but the real shock was that Microsoft didn’t even show up to the fight. No, we are not joking, Sony made a gaming console in the PS4, Microsoft made all the wrong moves to counter with the XBox 720. What you end up with are two very different products, one with a purpose, the other without. Microsoft didn’t try this round.

    Time and time again at GDC developers who had both consoles praised the job Sony had done with the PS4. There were several demos run on the PS4 dev kits too, the author saw at least one dev kit directly and knows of a few more at the show. XBox 720 kits were as absent as the praise directed at Microsoft, some devs even mocked the hardware Redmond is offering.

    With a little bit of knowledge about the hardware one thing became very clear, why this happened was not actually a technical problem. Microsoft didn’t screw up, Microsoft didn’t misjudge the market, and Microsoft didn’t botch the design, they got exactly what they were aiming for. Anyone who has been following the company of late may see an eerie similarity to the rest of their business, management is so out of touch with customers that they don’t understand what to make anymore.
    Yep. M$ got exactly what they were aiming for, which turned out to be a steaming pile of crap when the PS4 out-performs the Xbox 720 by a factor of 1.5x. Not to mention the Xbox 720 requiring an internet connection to even start a game. If your connection drops for over 3 minutes, you're ejected and locked out until your internet comes back. Gotta love that! And yes, it includes games that normally wouldn't even require internet to play them. The reason is because M$ decided it was a great idea to use the internet to authenticate your software. If you're not online, it can't spy on you and panics. Good goin'.

    Back to the PS4 out-performing the 720 by 1.5x...that number is based on hardware. In reality it is a bit more than that, due to the large amount of resources used up by M$'s bloated whore of an OS (ever notice you only get 15GB usable space on a 32GB Surface tablet?)

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  6. #16
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by John P. Myers View Post
    (ever notice you only get 15GB usable space on a 32GB Surface tablet?)
    What I find surprising is that M$oft is pleased they actually "managed" to slim down an O/S to *only* 17 Gig of storage...

    (As I install yet *another* instance of Ubuntu to run from a 1 Gig USB key...)

    Did I mention that pretty much everything I've ever plugged into these barebones Ubuntu installs works? Without adding drivers? It was perfectly happy to install on an IBM X41 Tablet and use the touch screen without any fanfare. And the 10 year old Radio Shack USB->Serial adapter? I plug it in and get a serial port. No drivers necessary. You may get the picture. Oh yeah, and the reason that Tablet has Ubuntu on it is the Win XP Tablet edition install that *was* on it happily found an unreadable sector in the software hive and went completely unbootable and unrecoverable.

  7. #17
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    I think the only thing that fails on Ubuntu linux are the tools to burn DVD's like K3B and Brasero. In 7 tries to burn a DVD9 only had one success. After installing Windows I managed to burn all DVD9's without a failure using DVD Decrypter.

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  9. #19
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  10. #20
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    Re: News: Microsoft Could Be Obsolete By 2017

    Acer $400 'PC' will run Android, pack Intel's Haswell chip

    Brilliant move, really. Windows was hoping to do something similar with Win8, thinking people familiar with it on their desktop would find it simple to use on their phones and tablets. Too bad it's such a clock-gobbling bloated whore of an OS. On the other hand, Google Announces It Has Reached 900,000,000 Android Activations. Seems quite a few ppl are already familiar with Android and actually like it. Goodbye Winblows
    Last edited by John P. Myers; 05-30-13 at 06:35 PM.

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