My good Uncle Sam ... he's back! Well, I can't disagree with anything you bring up. Actually at the risk of sounding like your shill, I agree with everything you said in this particular post.

My answer? We're working on it! You can only herd cats so fast, my man. The way I see it, every day that goes by is a missed opportunity and 24Mil credits given up. Going to be that much harder to punch through the wall when we get there.

I've got something cooking on the side that's going to take a while before it really stirs the pot. But it will, just needs a little time on the burner.
And for the record, [Top Gun] is good, and I support crunching the highest credit return projects 100%. But, at this point we need to pull SETI.USA up by its boot straps. We need to do MORE than just crunch for highest credit output. We need a SWAT team to do some demo & rescue work, some Snipers to go ahead of the pack, and a regular old BlackOps Clan working on my [classified] mission.