Ok there is enough people going for teams that no matter what we will now have teams. But what will they be?

Beer had this and I think it’s a Great layout

Milestone Division:

Those are chasing MegaMilestones across all projects. Can support challenges, certain projects if it is on their "path"

Members willing to go everywhere. They are the first one out, when needed in a challenge. Very competitive members. Always looking "to pick a fight"

Topslot Division:

These are the members that wanna see SETI.USA take overall #1. They crunch best paying projects, optimize and calculate how to obtain maximum output. Can supports challenges. These members provide the solid baseline of RAC to keep us in the game.

Defend/FB Division:

These members defend individual projects in danger. Can me matched with those particular interested in FB.

Reserve Division:

Casual "crunch what you want" members, who is acting as backup on challenges, when position is defended or any other "not planned" happening.

If anyone has thoughts about it please post here!