I'll give you my take on this..

Yes, other people on other teams are interested in the MM's. I've had quite a few emails/PM's etc from a diversity of teams. Everyone tends to be different and to each their own as to particular goals, whatever makes it fun is what you should do IMO. A number of times over the years my interest has started to wane for differing reasons, but then I look for a new challenge.

That's how the MM's came about. I've got a passion for statistics I guess and I enjoy working with databases. Calculating the MM's is just another way of analyzing the data I collect. Milestones in particular fascinate me, especially the trend analysis of them.

My recent work has been to record the (1st to xxxxxx) milestones. Might badgify (tm) these.. Just a pity I don't have milestone data prior to April 2008.