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Thread: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

  1. #1

    Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Limited Special Offer : 6 days free crunching!
    Now with Bitcoin Utopia Rockminer



    * Getting Started With Crunching
    * Additional Help With Boinc
    * Using This Forum
    * Avatars and Signatures on This Forum - Requires Member-Only Access
    * How to get a User of the Day (UOTD) award - an example from Boinc@jamaica
    * UOTD.ORG
    * SETI.USA UOTD list


    Greetings SETI.USA enthusiasts. I am Z-TAC -- Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher.

    Although I have no BOINC credits of my own, and no badges to display, I have a computer with an 8-thread Intel processor to help SETI.USA and its members to achieve their goals.

    I make a standing offer to each new forum member who crunches at least one project plus WUprop for SETI.USA:

    If you lend me your weak account keys, within 90 days after joining, for a cpu project (required), a gpu project (optional), Bitcoin Utopia (optional), and for WUprop (required), I will crunch these projects for you for 6 days. You will earn all the credits. You may either post your weak account keys only in this topic or send them to me in a private message by clicking on Z-TAC at the top left of this post and selecting Private Message.

    Why am I doing this?

    1. It's a gift to new members to say, "Thanks for joining the team;"

    2. It encourages new forum members to join SETI.USA on the webpages of the projects they crunch;

    3. It encourages members to add WUprop to the projects they crunch;

    4. It helps members become comfortable in crunching projects for others using weak account keys; and

    5. It helps me to stay current on project requirements.


    All BOINC projects have an account key, and almost all have a weak account key. These keys, or the link to them, is on each project's webpage for your account under Account Information and above Preferences.

    "Weak" does not mean the encryption is weak. The key is fully encrypted and changes every time you change your project password. 'Weak" means limited access to your account.

    The weak account key, which is unique for each project you crunch, lets others attach to your account without giving them the ability to log in to your account or to change it in any way. The only thing anyone can do with your weak account key is crunch work units (WUs) for which you will earn the credits. You may freely distribute your weak account keys, but you should never share your main account key or other log-in information unless you completely trust the person you are giving them to.

    For more information about weak account keys, see and

    So, all I need to crunch for another teammate is the name of a project and its associated weak account key. I put that information into an account xml file and ZTAC01, my computer, links to your account, downloads and crunches WUs and you get the credit!

    WUProp (required)

    No matter what project you primarily contribute to, you can increase your credits without any stress to your computer by adding WUProp@Home ( to your list of projects. WUProp gathers technical information about the resources BOINC projects use, enabling performance comparisons among CPUs and GPUs. To add the project in BOINC Manager (, in simple view click on ADD PROJECT, and in advanced view click on TOOLS > ADD PROJECT . . . WUProp is not in the list of BOINC projects, so paste into the project url line and provide the same email address that you use for all your BOINC projects. Then go to YOUR ACCOUNT (, designate your username, and JOIN SETI.USA as your team.

    About 200 SETI.USA members crunch WUProp, which you can see at

    For more information about WUProp, see NOTE: I have no affiliation with the WUProp project, or any other BOINC project.

    BITCOIN UTOPIA (optional, but why pass up millions of credits?)

    Bitcoin Utopia mines for bitcoins, which it donates to science projects, currently the best-known of which is MilkyWay. The project keeps a 12% cut to cover hardware and Internet costs.

    For the BU credits that I crunch to propagate to your account, you must run at least 1 work unit before I attach to it with your weak key. BU runs on Windows and Linux. You can run a CPU WU by setting the appropriate preference settings on the website. Enable CPU, run test applications, and select CPUMiner in your preferences. Run at least 1 CPU WU, then change your preferences by unselecting CPUMiner and selecting cgminer (Campaign #3) (for 20+GH/s ASICs-multitasks). While I am crunching BU for you, please leave your computers unhidden in this project so I can monitor the validation of WUs. Thanks.

    For more information about cryptocurrencies in general, see,,3514.html

    Approximately 45 team members are crunching BU for 4 to 5 billion credits a day. See,


    To get free credits:

    1. Join the SETI.USA forum. I know the image verification graphic on the registration page is almost impossible to read. Please keep clicking for a new one until you can read it. OPTIONAL: Once you join the forum you can obtain full access to our private areas by following these instructions. Your full membership is approved once you have the red-circled eagle with sunglasses icon under your forum name.

    2. Make sure SETI.USA is selected as your team in the project(s) you want me to crunch.

    3. Join WuProp and make SETI.USA your team.

    4. Either post in this topic or send me a private message including the name of each project you want me to crunch and each weak account key. You may request 1 CPU project, 1 GPU project (Einstein, Albert, Collatz, SETI or SETI beta, only), Bitcoin Utopia, and WUprop. Make sure your project preferences are set to use CPU and Intel GPU (if available as an option).

    5. (Optional) If you want me to encourage others to vote for you as User of the Day, send me the link to your profile in at least one, but no more than three, accounts.

    6. (Optional) You can check the webpages of your projects to see that ZTAC01 has been added as a computer on your account. It may take a few hours before your account shows them.

    That's it! I'll crunch your projects for 6 days and you'll get the credits just as if you had crunched it yourself. Hopefully WUs will be available during the entire run. Please note that if you change the password for one or more of the projects after giving me your weak account key, I will be disconnected from the project(s) because changing your password changes the weak account key. Also, you enter the queue for free crunching when you provide your keys and not before. Finally, please leave your computers unhidden on the projects I crunch for you so I can monitor the validation of WUs.


    The amount of credits will depend on the project. WUprop awards 50 credits a day. Here is a sampling of others based on 7 cores/threads (* have badges):

    *Asteroids - 23,500/day
    Bitcoin Utopia - 50+ million/day (rockminer)
    *Collatz - 35,000/day (GPU)
    *Collatz - 13,000/day (CPU)
    Einstein - 7,000/day (GPU)
    *Enigma - 9,000/day
    eon - 4,500/day
    *Milkyway - 13,000/day
    *NFS - 4,000 to 14,500/day depending on the subproject.
    *Numberfields - 14,000/day
    POEM - 10,000/day (CPU)
    Primaboinca - 17,500/day
    SETI - 1,700/day (GPU)
    SETI - 3,500/day (CPU)
    SIMAP - 3,800/day
    *the SkyNet POGS - 14,000/day

    My GPU is an Intel 4000, so it doesn't produce many GPU credits.

    For more information about projects with badges, see and


    The team participates in lots of challenges, a list of which is at If a challenge is in progress, or soon will be, and the project is one that you would like to crunch, please choose it as a project for me to crunch. It will help both you and the team.


    Please PM me with questions, complaints, suggestions or corrections about this post. I prefer not cluttering the topic with issues that can be resolved. It's only a request, and all members have equal rights.

    Also, I encourage all members to refer new forum members to this post. Thanks.

    And thanks for being a member of SETI.USA

    Last edited by Z-TAC; 10-27-14 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
    Duke of Buckingham's Avatar
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    May 14th, 2011
    Lisboa = Portugal

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    It is a very good idea Z-TAC, just tell me if you need some help.
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  3. #3
    Past Administrator
    Fire$torm's Avatar
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    October 13th, 2010
    In the Big City

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Thank you for the offer Z-TAC. Nice incentive for new recruits.


    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  4. #4
    Past Administrator
    DrPop's Avatar
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    October 13th, 2010
    SoCal, USA

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Looks like a neat thing, I really hope some new crunchers take you up on the offer! We've had quite a lot of new folks join up the last few months, this is great stuff, Thank You Z-TAC and thank you to the fledgling SETI.USA members!

  5. #5

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Feb 8 -15: Galileo Galilei - 450 anniversary of the birth - theSkyNet POGS Challenge Special Offer

    The first forum member who joins between January 8 and Feb 15, and agrees to crunch POGS for the Galileo Galilei - 450 anniversary of the birth - theSkyNet POGS Challenge, will receive SEVEN days free crunching (instead of the ususal 4 days) on POGS and WUprop. Click here for details!

    Forum members click here for more about the current challenge, here to read about the last challenge, and here to learn how to bunker.

  6. #6
    Diamond Member
    Duke of Buckingham's Avatar
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    May 14th, 2011
    Lisboa = Portugal

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Zorro: [after making a "Z" mark on Armand] So the devil will know who sent you.

    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  7. #7

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Limited Special Offer: SIX Days Free Credits

    The first forum member who joined within the past 30 days and who accepts this offer will receive SIX days free crunching! Click here for details.
    Last edited by Z-TAC; 02-28-14 at 08:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member
    cineon_lut's Avatar
    Join Date
    September 8th, 2013
    California, U.S.A.

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Thank you for your contribution to the team, O anonymous one!

    Vic (mobile)

  9. #9

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Limited Special Offer: SIX Days Free Credits

    Forum members who joined within the past 30 days and who accept this offer will receive SIX days free crunching! Click here for details.

    Now crunching for new forum member jgillett.

    Next Up: finalfugue.

    The next available slot for free crunching begins on March 2.
    Last edited by Z-TAC; 02-28-14 at 08:49 AM.

  10. #10

    Re: Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

    Limited Special Offer: SIX Days Free Credits

    Forum members who joined within the past 30 days and who accept this offer will receive SIX days free crunching! Click here for details.

    Now crunching for new forum member finalfugue.

    Up Next: MindCrime

    The next available slot for free crunching begins on March 9.
    Last edited by Z-TAC; 02-28-14 at 08:49 AM.

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