Most of you know DD and those that don't have heard a little about him. Here is an email I got from cruncher Pete today. Some of you may get the same. anyway those that want to do as you see fit. I think I will run over to team musketeers and see what is going on.

Hi Rick.

In case you did not know Dan is fighting a second round of cancer and has spent some time in hospital recently. He is not yet over it but managed to send me a one line email.

I am sure you would agree that this guy deserves a better treatment of life and some support from all of us.. I am not sure what to do to promulgate this and canvas support so I am sending individual emails to people on my email list.

Talking to Dan some time ago, he indicated that he is disappointed in lack of forum support as we still have 17 active members most of them are not even a registered member of the forum and those who are do not post. You know the story, it becomes a bit boring writing to one self.

The only thing I can think of at the moment is that we should encourage those who have known him to join the forum and send some encouraging words to Dan in an open forum rather than a PM or email. I am sure this will give a greater impact. Of course actually crunching for the team for awhile would help him also for most of the support comes from Robert7NBI who has been contributing over 7M everyday for the last couple of months and yet saying nothing in the forum.

I was about to leave the Team myself for as you know I have a wondering nature when I discovered this latest news yesterday, so instead of leaving, I will up the tempo and crunch harder for Team Musketeers.

Your thoughts on this would be appreciated, in the mean time, I will send some emails to those that I know to spread the news. Dan deserves a better fate than this. Let us support him when he needs it until he settles down. My email list id not very great as regards old members of TM so help in promulgating this would be appreciated.