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Thread: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    The majority of BOINC projects are using CreditNew and includes all the largest projects. After much deliberation and more than a few run-ins with the credit cops, Collatz will switch to the CreditNew system beginning tomorrow. I expect both the GPU and CPU credits will be drastically reduced because of this change but it will result in cross project parity at a level never before seen in BOINC. Since the basis of CreditNew is that credit is based on hardware across projects and not how well the hardware works on any one project, some changes to the applications will also be required. Not all projects have 64-bit applications or can make use of 64-bit math. As a result, a user running 32-bit windows on his 64-bit processor today only gets half as much credit because he only works half as fast as the user with a 64-bit operating system. That just isn't fair. The user doing half the work should get the same amount of credit because he has the same CPU. So, I will be removing all 64-bit Collatz applications. In addition, all assembly language and intrinsic optimizations will also be removed so that the applications run at a level that compares with the BOINC benchmarks since the benchmarks do not take into account any of those optimizations. GPU optimizations will also be removed and all applications will be downgraded where ever possible to the oldest possible version. For example, CUDA 1.0 will now be the standard so that the project does not take advantage of any features not supported by the oldest nVidia GPU as it wouldn't be fair to the person who spend hundreds of dollars on a new GPU to get more credits just because his hardware works faster at certain calculations. The new Collatz GPU applications will only be allowed to run a few times faster than the CPU applications. That will allow Collatz to achieve parity with projects which have GPU applications that can't run in parallel very well. In order to assure that the oldest software will be used, all applications will be migrated to COBOL and entered via punch cards. If your CPU or GPU is currently overclocked, you can dial it back since it will no longer matter. It has been said that credits are not worth anything. I think the contrary is true. Credits cost money. You hardware will now last longer because of this change and the result is that it will save you money. If you stop crunching altogether, just think how much money you will have! Sure, some will see the lower credits at Collatz as a bad thing. But, think of it this way... While the credit will go down in Collatz, it really won't matter since all the Collatz applications will run at a level not seen since Apple IIe and DEC PDP-11s. You won't have to worry that your computer is getting less credits while using the same amount of electricity because even if you switch to another project, your credits and electric bill will remain constant. You will get less credit but the CEO's of the power companies will still get their bonuses thanks to your contributions. Finally, because new volunteers who join the project won't ever be able to catch up to the credit leaders due to the switch to using CreditNew, the total credits will also be adjusted for all users, hosts, and teams. You will see an 80% reduction. But, on the bright side, you will be able to achieve those mega milestones tracked at FreeDC all over again!


  2. #2
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    That is an awesome April 1 write up Slicker ... but I bet you are going to get some push back on the forums

  3. #3

    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    all applications will be migrated to COBOL and entered via punch cards.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    Good one slicker

    Hey, Don't knock punch cards! In my first ever computer programming class in High School, FORTRAN WAT-IV/WAT-V, we had to use them to load our programs onto the time share 360 owned by the Chicago Board of Ed. Ahhh, those were fun times....

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  5. #5
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    I'm surprised that you didn't mention that, for those poor users starting late, their accounts will automatically be granted a starting balance of credit equal to the average of all users currently running Collatz. What better way to make it possible for them to attain the unattainable levels of credits exhibited by those silly users that have actually been crunching for years?

  6. #6
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    Just make sure you look out for the hanging chads on the punch cards.
    6r39 7r199

  7. #7
    Gold Member
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    I haven't checked to see if anyone quit the project yet, but so far, no one on the forums (at least not anyone that read the entire message anyway) believed it. Most were fooled for a while though.
    Spring 2008 Race: (1st Place)

  8. #8
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    Quote Originally Posted by Slicker View Post
    I haven't checked to see if anyone quit the project yet, but so far, no one on the forums (at least not anyone that read the entire message anyway) believed it. Most were fooled for a while though.
    I was going to send you the bill for my "ruined" SSD's.


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  9. #9
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    All that was to read ???
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  10. #10
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Collatz: Switching To CreditNew

    LMAO @slicker, when I saw the RSS feed I didn't know if it was you writing. You had me going till about 1/3 way down. I was about to write a message asking "say it 'aint so!"

    Good one!

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