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Thread: Asteroids@Home; SETI.USA is now #2!

  1. #11
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    Re: Asteroids@Home; SETI.USA is now #2!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Hankey View Post
    I had moved all my stuff from Asteroids over to docking until that closes down. After docking is dead I will be moving back to roids

    After Docking drys up, I'm back on Astroids.

  2. #12
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Asteroids@Home; SETI.USA is now #2!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Shurtz View Post

    After Docking drys up, I'm back on Astroids.
    Trying to get Docking, and not getting much of anything, I am doing lots of POGS and Asteroids by default.

  3. #13
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    Re: Asteroids@Home; SETI.USA is now #2!

    Quote Originally Posted by YoDude9999 View Post
    Ok, signed up for the CPU WUs. Seems to run stable but hot with a stock CPU fan. Will let it finish the WUs that are currently running, but suspending the rest until I can upgrade the CPU fan.
    Ok, so, as I said my E8500 (Gamera) was running pretty hot on this project. (I don't normally run CPU projects) When it reached 79* I decided to abort all other current WUs and suspended getting more. I let the two I had, complete and got the credit for them. (Happy days)

    Tonight, I went digging through my pile of extra computer parts and found an old CPU fan that I had gotten from a friend quite some time ago. He had told me it was a great little CPU cooler but I had never used it because I didn't have a need to do so at the time.

    Gamera was originally setup to do nothing but Aqua WUs as a completely stand alone system. I had it setup as a wireless system and such that all I needed to do was turn it on and that's all it took to start running the project. At that time, I took it to work (so THEY could pay the electric bill for it), plugged it in and let it rip and it did very well with 3 GTX460s in it until Aqua went belly up. At that point, it set idle and virtually dead in the cold dark reaches of some corner at work for what seemed like eons.

    About a year ago I'm guessing, and being on the same electrical system as all the other 3 neighbors in our complex, one of them managed to kill the HD drive in Rodan (one of my home computers) by repeatedly tripping the circuit breaker that feeds my location. The first few times it happened, it didn't hurt anything, just shut everything down and was just an inconvenience as you'd expect. The next day was different. It happened again and did something to my hard drive that made me have to do the Windows Repair thing to it to get it to come back. After that, it happened again and completely made the drive unbootable. I dug up another drive and did all the usual installations to make it boot into Windows and soon discovered that the original drive, still had all the data on it, but just wouldn't boot anymore and Windows repair couldn't fix it. I considered myself lucky in that I still hadn't lost anything, but just was in the pit of having to do more work than I wanted.

    Later on, the problems with the neighbors interrupting my power seemed to diminish to nothing and after seeing a particularly hot deal on some site like Tiger or Newark that were having a sale on SSD drives, I bought one. With a lot of re-installation and migration to the new SSD drive and I was pretty happy. Then ONE DAY, months later..........

    Yep, BLAMMO! The power goes off and when it recovers, NOTHING! The system would not boot. After that I said, "screw it, I'll just bring Gamer home, let Rodan sit for a while and see what I can still do". Rodan is still sitting. Gamera is still growing, alive and well. Has a fresh SSD drive and a good UPS system to take care of any misfortunes the neighbors might somehow toss at me and because of that cool heat-sink I found in the pile of computers, "spare parts", doing quite well and I'm now back on the project with a CPU that's running less than 50*c

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