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Thread: DistRTgen: Next batch of work flowing for GPUs

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    October 24th, 2010

    DistRTgen: Next batch of work flowing for GPUs

    First, GPU work is now flowing for NV CUDA and ATI/AMD OpenCL alike.While, I can make excuses for delays, lack of communication, and so on: everything related to this falls short of the project's goals. First, when work is running low and we do not have the next set queued, we should communicate this. Second, we need to be more flexible for unexpected issues, whether for instance it is lack of developer/admin time or a new set explodes due to errors, we need to not just be ready for our next set but the set after that.Communication is something we need to have at the forefront. On the admin side we have graphs, monitoring, and predictive stats for when work will run out *but* this seems to fail and the reason is simple: we are overly optimistic about the times to test and push a code fix *or* are struggling to use existing deployed code to create useful sets that are not so large and slow as to be unusable.In this particular case there is a bug for the AMD/ATI OpenCL code for ntlm which resulted in the matching mysqlsha1 set that just wrapped up. I believed I could get this code fixed, tested, and deployed in a timely fashion, but should have just released the md5 set that is now in progress. I *thought* we had already done the md5 set as well as being optimistic on fixing the OpenCL bug on ntlm. This batch *should* have and *could* have been released to prevent any interruption in the work flow.I made a placeholder thread, which I will expound on this, including making excuses in the primary forums


  2. #2
    Silver Member
    YoDude9999's Avatar
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    February 26th, 2011
    Sunny California

    Re: DistRTgen: Next batch of work flowing for GPUs

    I don't give a "crap" about all your hoopla BS excuses. I want MAX credit! MAX MAX MAX I say!

    Yeah well, sounding off to a deaf ear don't help much. Can't say I didn't try anyway.

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