I meant to try and capture this when it happened, but it goes so fast...

Congrats STE\/E!

mysql> select proj,nick,metric1 from boinc_user where metric1 > 100000000 order by metric1 desc limit 0,10;
| proj  | nick                          | metric1          |
| bit   | STE\/E [BlackOps]             |      17117740540 |
| drt   | james ying                    | 15494116602.5444 |
| bit   | EmSti [BlackOps]              |      13445910000 |
| drt   | Robert7NBI                    | 13158584951.5378 |
| bit   | Bryan                         |      10733218600 |
| pgrid | [DPC]x-RaY99_the_one_man_team | 9804436726.57638 |
| bwcg  | IBM                           |  9630871962.3695 |
| bit   | somanyroads                   |       7419881120 |
| drt   | KAON*                         | 6150270430.36758 |
| ps3   | Stoneageman                   | 6004349535.37354 |
10 rows in set (17.44 sec)