Windows 10 is such a good OS for those who choose to run it. For those of us who have had many bad experiences with it, it often feels like it's being rammed down our throats. Anyone who hasn't upgraded, be on the lookout. Microsoft is getting blatantly aggressive in the last week. If you have hidden KB3035583 so it doesn't harass you, you might ought to check your crunchers. Microsoft took it upon itself to un-hide that KB and will install it without your knowledge. I had the cute little GWX up on my desktop this morning despite telling it to go away. I did the uninstall and reboot 2 times. Then a more blatant "upgrade" came up in my windows update. It plainly stated to upgrade to 10 now without calling it a KB. After dealing with this little misunderstanding, I get this article sent to me. It tells what I just went through and that Microsoft isn't pulling their punches anymore. In the article, there is a piece of software anyone who doesn't wish to upgrade just yet needs to get. So please read and think about getting the newest version of this software.