I work at a trash site where people bring in trash to get rid of and sometimes they throw things out because they buy something better or just don't want it anymore.

Last Friday someone came in with a Computer and was about to throw it into the Compactor to be crushed when I asked if I could have it. I normally just take them apart and use the screws and things.

I opened it up and started chasing dust bunnies and got to looking at it and here is some info about it:

MB = MS-7173 VER 1A RC410M
4 SATA slots
2 IDE slots
1 FDD slot
2 PCI slots
1 PCIe X16 slot
1 Video slot (black)

PSU = 400 watts

Card Reader = Ultra XC-28U

There is a speaker wire unpluged but I can't find on the MB where it plugs in at.

It also looks like they used a RGB Monitor because that is the only thing attached to the MB going to the top Slot in the back. The MB does have a standard Video Out on the back.

I would need to install a HDD and OS to see what this thing can do if you guys think this is worth it. I have no clue as to the CPU installed I have not removed the CPU Fan.
Speaking of fans there are 3 of them 1 pulling in air from the front and 1 pushing the air out the back. The CPU fan has a tube over it that make the air from it go out the side of the case.

Info from the case:

Barebones MB RC410M-L

So is this thing worth keeping to run BOINC? I have a copy of XP Home that was in the old TigerDirect system that I could install in it if it will run in it.