All this talk of upgrading has got me fingers itchy to build again. Haven't built one in over 4 years now, so I'm a bit rusty. Told my Pops I would build him one as soon as I closed on my house, and that is coming on Friday morning(I hope!). So details...

Dad's requirements: Quiet(no liquid cooling in my computer son, what are you on drugs? ), point-and-click fast(so I'm thinking SSD with plenty of mem), and a good tv tuner card. The rest is up to me with ~$1500 of his money. I'll be able to steal some cycles from him, but this is not a 24/7 cruncher.

Just from doing some reading here and researching.. I'm thinking of the HAF-X case with a 1000w psu (I'm thinking of stealing some extra gpu cycles here like maybe a pair of 460's or so), a decent size SSD(128) and likely 16G of memory. Haven't decided on anything, so I'm open to suggestions.
