Hello TEAM SETI.USA! Good afternoon. I want to personally thank everyone who helped out in the recent donation drive to help with the new web server; it was ALL extremely well received and appreciated by The Man.
It has recently come to my attention that we have the possibility of helping out our #1 benefactor and host of the boards, the One and Only, BOK of Free-DC fame on his database server that does all the "real work".

The database server does a tremendous amount of data crunching, my sources tell me - generating upwards of 40GB worth of data it must chew through during each round of updates before the refreshed stats can go live to the world.
If we could supply BOK with SATA3 SSDs, the time to press would be dramatically reduced on the new server.
I believe the latest and greatest, are approx. $270 each. I am not sure if we need to supply just one or two, but I will find out.

The DrPop proposal:
I will personally MATCH dollar for dollar any donations given by all other members of our team up to the amount required for this retrofit of the database server storage SSDs.

Let 'em rip, boys, and let's show them all the SETI.USA style! Reach for those hammers and start smashing the little piggies...

*For the record, this was my wild idea, not his, just in case anyone goes there...I do not think you would, but that's my disclaimer.*