Quote Originally Posted by zombie67 View Post
It's not that simple. The power here in PG&E land is tiered. Completely Byzantine and indecipherable, and the rates change every two weeks.

Baseline usage is defined as 370 kwh. Is that enough to run a house? Anyway, here is the table from the two two-week periods from June, all kwh:

Up to baseline is $0.12
100-130% of baseline is $0.14
131-200% of baseline is $0.30
201-300% of baseline is $0.37
over 300% of baseline is $0.37

My kwh in the same tiers respectively:

270 (2%)
111 (1%)
259 (4%)
370 (7%)
4712 (86%)

Bottom line, my average usage for June was $0.35.
I kind of felt that it is not as simple as it sounds, and if it goes up to 35c/KW usage here, I will switch everything off and will cook on wood outside. (that by the way is already illegal.) If there is an Administration of any kind, weather local, state or Federal, there tends to be a way of extracting from you the most possible. It is also coming to our state, where there will be a so Called "Smart Meter" installed at you premises and it will calculate your use according to on peak, verses off peak rates. I can see where that is heading now, if you use a candle power only, you will be charged ex amount of cents etc. (It already happened that a person disconnected from the Power supply yet still had to pay the minimum charge dictated by the company according to their last power meter reading and it will be ad infinitum). If you are a normal family of at least two, you will be charged more and more according to their Meter reading that they will be able to manipulate as THEIR standard. There is already a revolt against this at least in one of our states. Where there are these Smart Meters were installed the locals actually gone on strike and refused to pay their bill and let the law dictate fairness...Unfortunately, the law is an Ass and is not designed to help the average person and will side with the company who will declare that you have agreed with their terms at the time of signing up with them. I am not looking forward to the future in this regard...

Keep on crunching and have anice day...