Hello Good People of SETI.USA! To whom it may concern:

As you may be aware, legislators across the globe are thinking on implementation of new laws, which are putting more restrictions on Internet and citizen freedoms within it.

Because of this fact, a number of services are going to protest against the new legislature. This is a wide movement, including not only numerous Free/Libre/Open Source Software and civil rights sites, but big names like Wikipedia, Google, Mozilla, Reddit&ArsTechnica as well.

My team, BOINC@Poland, and our affiliated project Radioactive@home, are supporting the protest.

Our side portal www.boinc.com.pl will be blacked out, and the main services like www.boincatpoland.org and http://radioactiveathome.org/pl/ will highlight our message.

We invite all the projects, BOINC teams and volunteers to support the protest, in a way you feel would be appropriate.

Just let me pass the ask of a sysop of Radioactive@home:


Because of acceptance of ACTA agreement, and also other attempts of forcing legal solutions targeting increase of legal control over internet, administrators of Radioactive@home decided to place note of protest on the project site, with the following information.

"With regard to the ACTA (so-called Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) accepted by European Union, we feel obliged to warn you that our website may be unavailable in some countries soon.

ACTA Agreement was initiated by organizations describing themselves as "defending artists from bad pirates" and has been enforced on EU in secret negotiations initiated by US Government. Non government
organizations from all over the world agreed on condemning both the way of negotiations ware taken and allowing by this agreement cutting off websites "uncomfortable" for governments of countries that
signed ACTA, without proving infringements of any laws."

We would like Your project to join this action. We plan to publish this note on Wednesday 18.01.2012 on 0.00am.


Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek

As far as I know, Krzysztof will run his message for at least three days. The action may be repeated.
You are more than welcome to join or express your concerns.

Best Regards to you all and happy crunching,

aegis maelstrom

P.S. I am sorry I am writing you that late - I hope you got a PM before - so far we don't have professional PR services yet and we are making things ad hoc if only we have time after work / studies / family issues etc. - you know how it is.