What is your favorite airline? America, Delta, LIAT, BWI, Southwest, United, Virgin, other? Tell us your good and bad experiences and you choice.

Let me start by saying United is NOT my favorite. Here's just one example why:
My wife went to a conference in New Orleans this week. She was supposed to fly back last night and we are supposed to be at an out of state wedding early this afternoon. I was a little concerned because basically, the airlines suck. So does O'hare where the stats for being on time is about the same as the stats of the weather man predicting rain accurately.

Anyway, the plane she was supposed to take arrived in New Orleans late. The reason it was late was because it was held up in Chicago by air traffic control, or rather ground control. In other words, normal operating procedure for Chicago. Planes are often lined up ten or twelve deep on the runway while waiting for takeoff. When the plane arrived almost two hours late in New Orleans, they told her it was due to weather. That's BS!!! The very brief thunderstorm didn't hit Chicago until over an hour AFTER the plane had left. Had it taken off when it was supposed to, it would have landed in New Orleans before the weather even got to Chicago. United claimed that the plane would turn be refueled and the passengers loaded in only 10 minutes and be back to its proper schedule. That's BS too. Everyone knows the ground crews can't fill the fuel tanks that fast and, even if they could, they aren't allowed to move that fast. Their union won't allow it. After another delay, United cancelled her flight "due to weather". By that time, there was a pretty big system between Chicago and New Orleans so for once they spoke the truth in their own twisted way. You see, had they kept to their original schedule though, the plane would not only have been able to leave New Orleans, it would have landed in Chicago before the weather got to New Orleans. M

My wife proceeded to the ticket counter where she was told they would re-book her automatically. A little while later, she got an email saying they put her on a flight and she would just have to wait 60 hours. That's 2.5 days later! They also wouldn't pay for the hotel because it was a weather related cancellation.

And they wonder why their customers want to go postal on them! Idiots. The plane was sitting there on ground. Why the heck couldn't she get on her own plane the next morning? (The plane was NOT scheduled to do a turn around flight later last night. I checked.) I think I'm about done with United. American isn't any better either.

On the other hand, I've never had a bad experience on Southwest. So, that would have to be my choice.