Welcome to the team. We hope to see you and all your friends crunching with us and chatting on the boards! Glad to have each and everyone of you join our team.
Consider attaching to pirates@home which is a non-cpu intensive project. It will not slow down your other projects at all, so consider it free credits! Please attach using the following: http://pirates.spy-hill.net/. Pirates releases new work intermittently and crunches for only seconds, so just set it and forget it. Also take a look at WUProp@home. Again, not CPU intensive and free credits. http://wuprop.boinc-af.org/ Remeber to join the team in all of the projects you choose to crunch.

For those Teamates attaching to new projects, way to go!

To apply for access to the members only areas of the forum, post a thread in this section. Then you can have fun with the rest of us!


Thursday, 18 October 2012

Computers joins with 67 credits

tere.m.l joins with 107 credits

Daniel M. Zeng joins with 500 credits

Dad joins with 120 credits

Ying Valero joins with 616 credits