We live a short time, where everything is going, quickly, that was yesterday today is no longer the ... Needs, wants, desires are quickly made, discarded, forgotten.

Considering the lack of time, parents try to overcome their faults presenting children, mired gift, and children do not expect more for that special date.

Christmas, for many, is a date "plus" for gift, socialize, relax, eat, drink and continue the routine.

Companies taking this opportunity to make money since there is no better time throughout the year to sell products.

People go, come, come rushing through the streets, traffic jams are formed, are programmed travel, shopping crowd and to what purpose?

Some nostalgic, though, reflect and use the time to review the year, think about the practices and actions that have taken hastily during the journey.

There is time ...

Time to stop.

Time to analyze.

Time to feel.

Time to live.

In time to stop, we run more ...

Buying gifts, visiting people, plan trips and pack bags, when we use a bit of idleness to see who we were and who we conclude?

If you are an entrepreneur, how many employees will end well this Christmas?

How many will have a frustrated Christmas and how many will even have Christmas?

How many could live during the year producing more, better and reaping thereby beneficial results for their personal life, in proportion fair and accurate?

I will not get into the religious aspect since it is not necessary for me, the essence remains regardless of whether you have religion or not and being what it is.

The atmosphere of Christmas must transcend the moment, beyond the day and senses so that we can bring, in reality, we should know each other.

For more presence you have at parties and meet more people, stop for a small moment, isolate and think.

Let the isolation individuality of your thought come.

What is the isolation of reflection, solitude, though accompanied, can individually enter your world, that only you know and accesses to see how much you've been you, how much longer and how much is being diverted from its essence.

Think, think, use the time to your advantage and remember:

Christmas without reflection is party without cake ...

Christmas unaccompanied refrain from socializing, laughter and celebrations ...

But Christmas away from yourself, feeling in contrast to the personal encounter is nonexistent, is masking, is misrepresentation ..... is not Christmas ....

As much as there presence in your Christmas, if there is no loneliness of your analysis and your reflection, nothing will be formed and will not help you.

That his party might be stuffed, pleasant company, and excessive LONG REFLECTIONS.

May you feel his presence, analyze practices, errors and rework target for hits and above all, know consciously give form and meaning.

A happy, prosperous, productive and real Christmas to you!