Quote Originally Posted by Gopher_FreeDC View Post
it's not that image - look here - I pruned the image out of stats as it fails to load, but look here:
Below where it says:
Also, join us in our weekly evening of chat! Every Monday night at 8 PM CST.(2:00AM Tuesday UTC)
(server/channel info: irc://freenode/team_seti.usa)
It has your twitter link and your Facebook page link with a "broken image" on the left THAT is the one I'm on about!

I'm attaching what I see here:
Okay, I see what you're on about. I "think" that might be from Dr. Dan's old site, or one of the other veteran team members. Since I've been admin, I have never edited anything within that team blurb. Just been copy/paste for new team founder accounts.

I should look into changing it to stock Twitter/Facebook graphics. I'll start with the BOINC-wide team account so that will automatically take care of most of the projects.