Had a strike a few days ago and didn't really see anything going on on the boxes to raise any flags. Came down Thursday and had one box shut down. After troubleshooting I found a bad power supply and a bad motherboard. The board is a P5QL Pro. I gives me a USB overvoltage error plus it doesn't see the USB mouse or keyboard. Tried with a regular mouse and keyboard with the same results. Spent about an hour with tech support only to find out that the board would need a new cmos chip. If I sent it in it would be at least $129 to repair and since it is a soldered in chip i'm not going to try.
Looked around and noticed a P8Z77 LE-V board on ebay and picked it up. Since it is a 1155 board you know that I needed a new cpu. Well after watching ebay and seeing what the used chips were selling for I decided new was best. Ordered a i7 3770K from the Egg this morning. This setup will replace my 775 core 2 duo. Now just hope the stuff comes when the wife is gone.