Comet ISON looks fantastic in latest pictures — maybe too fantastic?
Alan Boyle, Science Editor NBC News
Nov. 18, 2013 at 8:07 PM ET

A composite image from the European Southern Observatory's TRAPPIST telescope in Chile shows Comet ISON streaking toward the sun on Nov. 15. The image combines four different 30-second exposures of the moving comet in different wavelengths. That's why the background stars appear as multicolored, slightly misaligned dots.

To the delight of astrophotographers, Comet ISON has gone through a surprisingly quick round of brightening in the run-up to next week's crucial swing around the sun — but some researchers suggest there's a dark side to the shining spectacle. Is ISON's rapid change a signal that it's starting to break apart?

The debate adds drama to observations of what some have hoped would turn into the "comet of the century." More than a year ago ...

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