Ok, I have the board put together and running a rudimentary Gentoo install. Next to install Grub and Boinc. But, here are some pictures from the build.

Time to put the P3 out to pasture.

The ASUS P3 board uninstalled and ready to be recycled.

The Ram has arrived!

Case with P3 uninstalled and waiting for Mr. Gigabyte.
As it turns out, the PSU I bought when putting this P3 together does have the 12V plug. Also, it's 300W, so, plenty of power until I upgrade the GPU.

The Gigabyte board installed and bolted down waiting to be connected. Do you think I have enough room for expansion?
After this the battery on the camera was getting low, so only enough juice for one more picture and then the download.

And finally...
Everything is connected and a few bundle ties to keep stuff organized.
Despite my best efforts to break things by dropping my "T" screwdriver onto the motherboard, everything is running smoothly.

It's taking me some trial and error to get the BIOS right and getting the settings right for overclocking. I didn't realize after adjusting the CPU that I then had to adjust the Ram to keep from clocking it past usability. It's good Ram, but doesn't overclock much. I currently have the CPU clocked at 2.4Ghz with Ram at 890Ghz. I'll get the thing crunching stably before going higher.