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Thread: The inevitable introduction.

  1. #1

    The inevitable introduction.

    Guess it's time I introduce myself, having joined a few days ago.

    I've been hanging out in the IRC channel so I've talked to a few of you already.

    Anyway, I'm not new to crunching; been at it off and on (mostly off) since 1999. If you peek at my stats you'll notice I don't have any big numbers. I've picked it up again though and I'm gonna stick with it.

    About myself, I'm on Whidbey Island in Washington state, 39 years old, where myself girlfriend and I live together.

    As for what I run, I've currently got 5 machines and 6 devices crunching. All CPU though, no GPUs for the time being. All but one of the machines are pretty old. 3 of them are laptops, one is a netbook, and one is a desktop. The only modern one I've got is my main machine (laptop) that I allow to crunch as much as it can if I'm not doing something else that requires the resources (such as gaming or whatever). It's a gaming spec laptop and has some pretty nice hardware. The i7-4700 CPU accomplishes more crunching than all the other systems combined I think.

    As for the devices, there are 3 retired phones and 2 retired tablets. The one other phone is my actual phone that I just let crunch whenever it can.

    Out of all of the crunchers, 2 laptops are crunching dedicated, the netbook is dedicated, and the desktop is dedicated. Of the devices, they are all crunching dedicated except for my main phone, and even then it's crunching most the time, as is my main machine.

    As for my history in teams, I don't really have one. Always been solo mostly. Before joining SETI.USA I was with USA for about 2 days or so. Decided SETI.USA was more appealing to me. Before that though, I was either solo or sitting alone in an old team I created years ago that never took off (my own fault). I have since disbanded that team.

    As for projects, currently I am solely focused on SETI@home across all machines and devices. I just recently switched over from crunching on Universe@home. I moved over to SETI@home when U@H ran out of android WUs. I think I'll stick to SETI for a bit. The other projects I've worked on are Asteroids@home, Cosmology@home, Einstein@home, MilkyWay@home, and the SkyNet pogs. I of course always run WUProp@home regardless.

    I refuse to run any mining or mathematical based projects, such as BitCoin Utopia and Collatz. I have my reasons.

    Well I guess that about sums it up. Not sure what else to add. Hope to see you all in IRC for those of you that go there.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member
    John P. Myers's Avatar
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    January 13th, 2011
    Jackson, TN

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you around

  3. #3
    Past Admin
    Cruncher Pete's Avatar
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    July 18th, 2013
    They seek me here, they seek me there, they seek me everywhe, currently Down Under.

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Thank you Coaltar for your introduction. I am sure a lot of the team members can relate to that of your experiance. Make yourself home, glad to have you with us.

    Keep on crunching and have a nice day...

  4. #4
    Bryan's Avatar
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    October 27th, 2010
    CO summer, TX winter

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Welcome aboard and it is nice of you to join us. The one nice thing about BOINC is there is something appealing to everyone. It is great that you can find something that you are interested in and willing to help their proejct. With your experience I doubt there is anything that we can help you with, but if questions do arise please feel free to give a holler.

  5. #5
    Al's Avatar
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    May 18th, 2011
    Chapel Hill, NC

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Welcome! The nice thing about this team is we offer a lot of direction without expecting anyone to follow it. Crunch what you want and when you need help or just some conversation someone is usually home. Like you, I'm never happier than when I'm crunching a science project but, alas, I do fall prey to badges. Welcome to SUSA.

  6. #6
    Past Admin
    Mike029's Avatar
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    October 24th, 2010
    Bronx, New York

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    I'm sure most of us have had a similar path in this hobby. Welcome to the team and give a shout if you need anything.

  7. #7
    Platinum Member
    cineon_lut's Avatar
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    September 8th, 2013
    California, U.S.A.

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Welcome to the team! Thanks for joining. We're the crunch what you want team so you've come to the right place! Never been a fan of the number-game projects either, but my inner badge-whore and credit-whore gets the better of me sometimes

    I gotta get back on's been a while for me. Is that bot Jimbo still there?

  8. #8
    Silver Member
    Dave gpu's Avatar
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    October 18th, 2014
    Orlando FL USA

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Hi Coaltar and Welcome to the forum, a great bunch of crunchers hear. GPUs are a good thing just joking. and lots of help with anything computer is just a tap away

  9. #9
    Diamond Member
    Duke of Buckingham's Avatar
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    Lisboa = Portugal

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Welcome Coaltar
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  10. #10

    Re: The inevitable introduction.

    Thanks for all the welcomes so far, really appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sphynx View Post
    Like you, I'm never happier than when I'm crunching a science project but, alas, I do fall prey to badges.
    Quote Originally Posted by cineon_lut View Post
    Never been a fan of the number-game projects either, but my inner badge-whore and credit-whore gets the better of me sometimes
    I'm one of those that doesn't care about the credits and badges. Same with achievements in gaming haha. I do realize that not participating in those projects, due to the severe credit inflation, it makes one look like they are hardly doing anything and/or contributing at all. It's okay though, my name doesn't need to be at the top of any lists/stats; I'm perfectly fine with that.

    Quote Originally Posted by cineon_lut View Post
    I gotta get back on's been a while for me. Is that bot Jimbo still there?
    Yep. jimbojones is in there.

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