I am actually getting the hang of this programming thing!

Here is a 40 sec. demo of my rudimentary KB hacking....

And just in case anyone is interested in the code.
Robotics with the BOE Shield – ServoRunTimes_withTurnSignals
Performing tight Left and Right turns with LED signaling.

#include <Servo.h>                        // Include Servo Library
Servo servoLeft;                          // Declare Left Servo Signal
Servo servoRight;                         // Declare Right Servo Signal

void setup()                              // Built-in initialization block
  servoLeft.attach(13);                   // Attach Left Servo to pin 13
  servoRight.attach(12);                  // Attach Right Servo to pin 12
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);                    // Set Digital Pin 11 -> Output
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);                    // Set Digital Pin 10 -> Output


  for(int l = 1; l <= 3; l++)
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);                 // Pin 11 = 5 V, LED emits light
  delay(500);                             // ..for 0.50 seconds
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);                  // Pin 11 = 0 V, LED no light
  delay(250);                             // ..for 0.25 seconds
delay(500);                               // ..for 0.75 seconds
  servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1300);      // Pin 13 PWM Clockwise Signal
  servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1300);     // Pin 12 PWM Clockwise Signal
  delay(3000);                            // ..for 3 seconds

  servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1500);      // Pin 13 PWM Stay Still Signal
  servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1500);     // Pin 12 PWM Stay Still Signal
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);                 // Pin 11 = 5 V, LED emits light
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);                 // Pin 10 = 5 V, LED emits light
  delay(1000);                            // ..for 1.0 seconds
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);                  // Pin 11 = 0 V, LED no light
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);                  // Pin 10 = 0 V, LED no light
  delay(1000);                            // ..for 1.0 seconds

  for(int r = 1; r <= 3; r++)
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);                 // Pin 10 = 5 V, LED emits light
  delay(500);                             // ..for 0.50 seconds
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);                  // Pin 10 = 0 V, LED no light
  delay(250);                             // ..for 0.25 seconds
  servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1700);      // Pin 13 PWM CounterClockwise Signal
  servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1700);     // Pin 12 PWM CounterClockwise Signal
  delay(3000);                            // ..for 3 seconds

  servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1500);      // Pin 13 PWM Stay Still Signal
  servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1500);     // Pin 12 PWM Stay Still Signal
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);                 // Pin 11 = 5 V, LED emits light
  digitalWrite(10, HIGH);                 // Pin 10 = 5 V, LED emits light
  delay(1000);                            // ..for 1.0 seconds
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);                  // Pin 11 = 0 V, LED no light
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);                  // Pin 10 = 0 V, LED no light
  delay(1000);                            // ..for 1.0 seconds

goto Start;                               // sends program flow to Start
void loop()                               // Main loop auto-repeats
{                                         // Empty, nothing needs repeating

I know, I know, Using a goto was unnecessary as I could have just put most of the code into the "void loop()" function declaration section. I just like goto statements.