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Thread: Duke the menace

  1. #1241
    Gold Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Buckingham View Post
    More guns in someone home...
    Attachment 2585
    click on the image
    if it is small
    gun safe is too small.[/url]

  2. #1242
    Bryan's Avatar
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    Re: Duke the menace

    And in an unmitigated fire everything inside gets ruined. I speak from experience!

  3. #1243
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    Quote Originally Posted by shiva View Post
    gun safe is too small.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    And in an unmitigated fire everything inside gets ruined. I speak from experience!
    I agree the safe is to small and of wood too many guns in a small space, I hope a fire wont start but no ammunition in there anyway.
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  4. #1244
    Diamond Member
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    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  5. #1245
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    The biggest communication problem is:
    We don't listen to understand,
    we listen to reply
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  6. #1246
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    Benfica Champion of Portugal for 4th time in a row.
    I am HAPPY.

    Pope in Portugal in the century of Fatima
    I am more HAPPY

    Salvador Sobral Winners of Eurovision 2017: Grand Final
    and more HAPY
    Last edited by Duke of Buckingham; 05-14-17 at 03:34 PM.
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  7. #1247
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    An interesting video.
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  8. #1248
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    Fernando Pessoa

    A morte é a curva da estrada,

    Morrer é só não ser visto.

    Se escuto, eu te oiço a passada

    Existir como eu existo.

    A terra é feita de céu.

    A mentira não tem ninho.

    Nunca ninguém se perdeu.

    Tudo é verdade e caminho.

    Fernando Pessoa

    Death is the curve of the road,

    To die is just not to be seen.

    If I listen, I hear you walk.

    Exist as I exist.

    The earth is made of heaven.

    The lie has no nest.

    No one ever got lost.

    Everything is true and way.
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  9. #1249
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace


    Que a força do medo que tenho
    não me impeça de ver o que anseio
    que a morte de tudo em que acredito
    não me tape os ouvidos e a boca
    porque metade de mim é o que eu grito
    mas a outra metade é silêncio.
    Que a música que ouço ao longe
    seja linda ainda que tristeza
    que a mulher que amo seja pra sempre amada
    mesmo que distante
    porque metade de mim é partida
    mas a outra metade é saudade.
    Que as palavras que eu falo
    não sejam ouvidas como prece e nem repetidas com fervor
    apenas respeitadas como a única coisa
    que resta a um homem inundado de sentimentos
    porque metade de mim é o que ouço
    mas a outra metade é o que calo.
    Que essa minha vontade de ir embora
    se transforme na calma e na paz que eu mereço
    e que essa tensão que me corrói por dentro
    seja um dia recompensada
    porque metade de mim é o que penso
    mas a outra metade é um vulcão.
    Que o medo da solidão se afaste
    e que o convívio comigo mesmo se torne ao menos suportável
    que o espelho reflita em meu rosto num doce sorriso
    que eu me lembro ter dado na infância
    porque metade de mim é a lembrança do que fui
    a outra metade não sei.
    Que não seja preciso mais do que uma simples alegria
    pra me fazer aquietar o espírito
    e que o teu silêncio me fale cada vez mais
    porque metade de mim é abrigo
    mas a outra metade é cansaço.
    Que a arte nos aponte uma resposta
    mesmo que ela não saiba
    e que ninguém a tente complicar
    porque é preciso simplicidade pra fazê-la florescer
    porque metade de mim é platéia
    e a outra metade é canção.
    E que a minha loucura seja perdoada
    porque metade de mim é amor
    e a outra metade também.

    That the force of fear that I have
    Do not stop me from seeing what I long for
    That the death of everything I believe in
    Do not cover my ears and mouth
    Because half of me is what I scream
    But the other half is silence.
    That the music I hear in the distance
    Be beautiful, even sad.
    That the woman I love will be forever loved
    Even though far
    Because half of me is to go
    But the other half is nostalgia.
    That the words that I speak
    Are not heard as prayers or repeated with fervor
    Just respected as the only thing
    What remains of a man flooded with feelings
    Because half of me is what I hear
    But the other half is what I silence.
    That this my desire to leave
    Become the calm and peace that I deserve
    And that this tension that corrodes me inside
    Be rewarded one day
    Because half of me is what I think
    But the other half is a volcano.
    May the fear of loneliness drift away
    And that the fellowship with myself becomes at least bearable
    That the mirror reflects on my face in a sweet smile
    Which I remember having given in childhood
    Because half of me is the memory of what I was
    The other half I do not know.
    May it be no more than a simple joy
    To make me quiet the spirit
    And may your silence tell me more and more
    Because half of me is shelter
    But the other half is fatigue.
    May art point us an answer
    Even if she does not know
    And nobody to try to complicate
    Because it takes simplicity to make it bloom
    Because half of me is audience
    And the other half is song.
    And that my madness be forgiven
    Because half of me is love
    and the other half too.
    Last edited by Duke of Buckingham; 06-15-17 at 07:11 PM.
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

  10. #1250
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Duke the menace

    God has no religion and fanatics have no God.

    Ricardo Medeiros Ferreira
    Friends are like diamonds and diamonds are forever

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