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Thread: Team chat instructions

  1. #11
    Cruncher Pete

    Re: Team chat instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxwell View Post
    How should I alter it with Daylight savings time then? I will not remember to edit the article twice a year, and the UTC time changes, but the time in the Central time zone does not...
    For the benefit of those who do not know much about Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), let me briefly explain it. This is a world wide recognized neutral time zone from which all other time zones are derived from. The time is kept in a town called Greenwich in the UK hence the alternative title Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Because of Day light saving in Greenwich itself, the local time there will alter from UTC + or - at the time of commencement or cessation of Day Light Saving. The time in UTC DOES NOT change since it is the neutral time zone. For example, Brisbane, Australia is +10 ahead of UTC. (We do not have DST either). If somebody states UTC time, I just take away 10 hours from it to derive at my local time. However, since I have no idea of the time difference from CST, I have to google it every time and first convert it to UTC than convert it again to derive at my local time. (Yes, I know there are programs that will convert it a lot easier but it will still take time to look up).

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  2. #12
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire$torm View Post
    errr, I think you got it mixed up. UTC never changes. That is what makes UTC important and why it is used.
    No no - I'm right. I just stated it wrong. Here's what I mean:

    Chat Start = 19:00 Mondays, Central Time Zone. Year round.
    Chat Start = UTC-5 Mondays, During US daylight savings time (summerish), UTC-6 Mondays, in months without daylight savings (winterish)

    So, stating the time that chat starts in terms of UTC changes depending on the time of year 00:00 UTC Tuesdays during daylight savings, and 01:00 during non-daylight savings.

    Does that make sense? And how do I state that simply?

    EDIT: Clearly I'm over complicating this - 01:00 Tuesdays UTC. If people are an hour late, we'll still be there. The majority of people are almost always in there anyway...

    EDIT2: Article on front page edited.
    Last edited by Maxwell; 05-22-11 at 08:11 PM.

  3. #13
    Silver Member
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Can we also do it in ZULU time

    Sorry I couldn't help myself..

    I really just would like to see people there. Not that I'm tired of seeing the same people every time. It would just be nice to see more of the TEAM.
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  4. #14
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dandasarge View Post
    Can we also do it in ZULU time

    Sorry I couldn't help myself..

    I really just would like to see people there. Not that I'm tired of seeing the same people every time. It would just be nice to see more of the TEAM.
    someone called me

    Zulu Time

    Last edited by Duke of Buckingham; 05-23-11 at 07:36 PM.

  5. #15
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    No throwing spears during the chats though DB. That would not be nice.

  6. #16
    Diamond Member
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by joker View Post
    No throwing spears during the chats though DB. That would not be nice.
    2 forums and one chat with joker?

    crazy Duke already.

    I couldnt enter the chat yesterday and I tried.
    Last edited by Duke of Buckingham; 05-23-11 at 07:50 PM.

  7. #17
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Buckingham View Post
    2 forums and one chat with joker?

    crazy Duke already.

    I couldnt enter the chat yesterday and I tried.
    Well you must not of tried vary hard. The JerWA way is as simple as checking E-mail.
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  8. #18
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Quote Originally Posted by Dandasarge View Post
    Well you must not of tried vary hard. The JerWA way is as simple as checking E-mail.
    The problem was the name how can I be somethingh else than Duke of Buckingham DoB or Duke. I have to think about a name because Ricardo Ferreira is already taken. I followed the email instructions. Options are accepted.

    Sad Duke

  9. #19
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    2 unknown connection(s)
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    This is all I get. I hate to say it but I have never been able to get into the chat area.


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  10. #20
    Platinum Member
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    Re: Team chat instructions

    Try underscores in key places (I don't think spaces are allowed).

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