Quote Originally Posted by DrPop View Post
I wholeheartedly agree, Steve. Problem is, credit on Einstein isn't just low...it sucks! I mean, what's a guy to do? Believe me, I am very torn about becoming an "Astronomy Cruncher" and just supporting my favorite projects and saying the heck with the high credits...ah, I dunno what route is better any more. I used to be a complete credit monger, but that is getting old after a while...all this electricity down the drain for what? Imaginary points from crunching numbers? At least those guys listed there have a pulsar or two to say "Hey - my computer did that. I spent my $$$ on something that was actually worthwhile!"

...so says the man who's GPUs and CPUs are crunching PG all out to suck up every last possible "easy credit" until the future credit drop.

First off I think it's a real cool discovery, but I don't know why it's important. Second I'm with you, I'm ready to dump all these high value tasks and go to ones that do something other that look for oddities in numbers. The only High value project I like is Aqua, which could potential change computing.