Quote Originally Posted by Steve Bohlen View Post
Granted, this is coming from a wannabe scientist, but...

The discovery of any new celestial object allows humans to better understand how the universe was created and is put together. There could be something very special about these new pulsars that we haven't seen before, which in turn may lead to new knowledge about the universe.

Einstein@Home also (mainly) searches for gravitational waves which, according to Einstein, must exist. Again, finding such waves would help us to understand the universe a little bit better than we do now.

Any project that could help us understand how we all got here is an important one in my book.
Love astronomy and strongly support Einstein, but I really still don't see the value in the grand scheme of things. It's I think knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and won't matter much to us here on earth.

My daughters favorite quote is, "If you want to create an apple pie from scratch, first you must create the universe". Maybe someday we'll learn how to create an apple pie from scratch.