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Thread: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    I just set the total_credit, expavg_credit, and expavg_time values for users, hosts, and teams to be the same as those of 19-June-2011.I'll be releasing a few hundred FP and TEST workunits to test the credit system. Please note that BOINC's CreditNew is at work now, and the amount of granted credit will not be the same as before.


  2. #2
    Silver Member
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    Gee, if they stated that credits will be HIGHER than before, they would have droves of users clamoring about to do their work! "Not the same as before", indicates something (much?) less than before! humph! $^@#!

  3. #3
    Steve Bohlen

    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    Well, I just lost 55k credits, half of which should have been legit. Bummer.

    How many people are losing millions of credits? Tons, I'd bet.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    Not sure how much I lost , but it sucks. They took away more credit than they should have. What's really funny is the top user today has 362 credits. How many people are going back there? Top team for today has 0 credits!

    Joined Original Message Board: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:47 pm, Currently with 11298 Posts

    If it ain't crunch'n, unplug it!

  5. #5
    Past Administrator
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazybob View Post
    Not sure how much I lost , but it sucks. They took away more credit than they should have. What's really funny is the top user today has 362 credits. How many people are going back there? Top team for today has 0 credits!
    Aqua is currently running a limited number of test wu's. They want to insure that DA's CreditNew system works (which it doesn't). And get this, now any snafus with incorrect credits are to be handled by BOINC Central!!!

    If creditNew is adopted across BOINC-land then I truly believe this will be the end of BOINC as we understand it. Nothing will work right on any project as BOINC Central will be completely overwhelmed with all the fixing they will have to do because of all the SH!T that they insist on imposing on the BOINC community.

    And I am sorry to say that the minute this happens I will be pulling the plug on my farm and and sell off much of my hardware. I'll just go back to being FPS gamer.

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  6. #6
    Platinum Member
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    I haven't played a video game in years, might be time to get back into it. Anyone have a copy of Zelda for a PC?

    Joined Original Message Board: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:47 pm, Currently with 11298 Posts

    If it ain't crunch'n, unplug it!

  7. #7
    Past Administrator
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    Yeah...things are a bit in suck mode for BOINC at this point. Lame, lame, lame. Why do people always have to ruin a good thing? Sigh...

  8. #8
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    I really believe that there will always be projects that will not conform to the "collective mentality". I would not be quick to pull the plug but rather watch the whole thing get F&^^ed up, crunch with a project outside their grasp and watch.

  9. #9
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    If it aint broke, fix it til it is.

    Maybe boinc should spend more time cleaning up their code and less time adding "features".
    6r39 7r199

  10. #10
    Past Administrator
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    Re: AQUA: User, Host, and Team credit were rolled back

    Quote Originally Posted by trigggl View Post
    If it aint broke, fix it til it is.

    Maybe boinc should spend more time cleaning up their code and less time adding "features".

    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

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