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Thread: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

  1. #1
    New Member Sir Antony Magnus's Avatar
    Join Date
    July 17th, 2020

    Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Hello everyone, not new to SETI.USA. I joined a long time ago, left, and now I am back soooo. I remember the founding team members hope they are still poking around somewhere Josh, JoJo, Steve, DrBob, Possums. Anyways I tried to remember my old account stuff and can't, no surprise there. Hopefully someone can confirm me so I can get some of my old stuff back, namely the length of membership on the boards here which as I recall was 2005 or there about.

    I am so glad to be back and look forward to crunching again. Missed yas!


    Sir Antony Magnus

  2. #2
    Gold Member
    c303a's Avatar
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    East Troy, Wi

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Welcome back. Hope to see you on the boards often.


    Crunched SETI Classic to the end.

    SETI@home classic workunits
    SETI@home classic CPU time 86,861 hours

  3. #3
    Platinum Member
    cineon_lut's Avatar
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    California, U.S.A.

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Good go have an old member back! I joined in 2013 so I don’t remember you but welcome!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. #4

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Welcome back!

  5. #5
    Gold Member
    shiva's Avatar
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    Quinter, Kansas

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    hi sir Antony, good to see you back and hope to see you often. just to let you know I haven't seen Josh, JoJo or Steve on the boards for a long time. Dr Bob is crunching for team USA now if I remember right, and Possum shows up every now and then. time and RL takes its toll.[/url]

  6. #6
    Ron Shurtz's Avatar
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    November 15th, 2010
    Topeka, Kansas

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Welcome back.

    I probably wasn't here when you were.
    User data was reset when we moved to a new server around October 2010.
    No one will probably have a join date before that now unless it was manually edited.

    You probably won't see many of what you may consider "the old gang" here, but hope you enjoy the current group.

    Again, welcome back!

  7. #7

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Welcome back Antony!

  8. #8
    Silver Member
    dcushing's Avatar
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    May 8th, 2015
    Slidell, La

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    maybe some
    new crunchers to the team, talked about seti on a radio show.. will direct them here for a new user if they are interested in crunching for the team

    And yeh, Ive been gone awhile too!

  9. #9
    New Member Sir Antony Magnus's Avatar
    Join Date
    July 17th, 2020

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Thanks for the welcome back peoples, forgot to mention Fish and Blackjack in my prior post of oldies but goodies in the SETI.USA team flashback. Some good times and hope to see them again! Although I still see Tank Master is still around on some of the project webbies. I think he was here when I was if I am not mistaken.

    I tried out with the team I was always wanting to join, but ended up here, yes, (if you throw fruit at me please make it banana's cause I am hungry K), The Knights of Ni!. Ugh what an awful experience that was for me recently, they seem quite dead to me, Orbiting Fortress is unresponsive, no team collaboration or leadership. Used to seem like a good fit for me cause I am a silly knight at heart and loved the Monty Python flicks, so ya. But... here I am again, don't plan on leaving this time around as we have LOTS of history SETI.USA and I sooooo.

    Well here I am peoples, the less chatty version name changed silly knight if ever I was! We shall be crunching together once more!

  10. #10
    Gold Member
    trigggl's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 6th, 2010

    Re: Hi ALL!! Not new here at all... But LOOONG Hibernation

    Welcome back!

    Sorry for the late response. I'm more of a lurker these days.
    6r39 7r199

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