yup, the points is the primary basic issue behind teams and the competition between the teams. And I'm with you there. Myself, I have a real problem with boinc. I'll crunch it for a while mainly just to help some others out. In the process of doing that though I really get sick and tired of the quirks in boinc and I end up going back to just crunching non-boinc. I don't think things are better now in the DC world though. I really miss the early years. It was really fun then. The forums of most teams now are really slow compared to what they used to be. Is boinc a part of that? Too many new projects starting up now days, only to crap out in a short time, or they are unreliable and you end up with a bunch of wasted machine time and electricity. I dunno. Seems like more and more frequently anymore I think about just hangning it up and finding another hobby. lol