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Thread: Interesting shift in the Linux-verse for Redhat to have made for CentOS

  1. #1
    Platinum Member
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    Interesting shift in the Linux-verse for Redhat to have made for CentOS

    Not a lot of love in the comments from the community, and I sure feel I can understand why. I just finished building a handful of CentOS8 boxes at work because it would be supported until 2029... Not any more, with support ending even before the support on the CentOS7 boxes I was replacing because it was approaching.

    I still haven't run across anyone suggesting MiNT as an alternate. I wonder why that aversion compared to Ubuntu...

  2. #2
    Advisor - Stateside Division
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    Re: Interesting shift in the Linux-verse for Redhat to have made for CentOS

    Interesting, at American Airlines we've been starting to shift to Centos8 recently whilst trying to keep costs down during pandemic. This might change some minds.

  3. #3
    Gold Member
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    Re: Interesting shift in the Linux-verse for Redhat to have made for CentOS

    CloudLinux seems to be coming to the rescue.
    6r39 7r199

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