Quote Originally Posted by DAD View Post
Well it depends on why you are using boinc. Yes I like to chase credits, but I'm also in it for the science. It won't stop me from crunching, but it will change how I do it, and how many resources I devote to it. I dont want to penalize projects for DA's moronic thinking. However, projects can chose NOT to upgrade to his new code, but then projects may eventually fall behind or become non compatible with newer clients

However, if I ever ran a server, I WOULD rewrite his code as I do have the programming and math knowledge and time to do so.

... hmmm.. idea.... lol.. rewrite server code.. make that code available for public use but that may violate some legal things. I need to look into the EULA for the boinc client/server. If it can legally be done, then I'll snag his new, mandatory, credit new server code, re write it, and put the files up for free for public use, and then each project can recompile it

In the end, if projects start really losing people over his new system, they will pressure him to undo it or seek/design another boinc-like client/server solution.
Nope you would not violate DA's license agreement. It's the limited GPL which allows for 3rd parties to change code. The only caveat is that DA gets the rights to your code. Trust me, if I had your skills or Buffet's money this whole thing would be a non-issue.