Quote Originally Posted by Mike029 View Post
I'm looking at add a box for the push that has a HD 4200. I'm not having any luck running anything, Collatz, Moo, etc. It's not seeing the gpu. It is an integrated gpu but says it's an HD 4200.
I check the settings in BM to use the gpu. When I check Bam it dose not have the check box to allow AMD work only cpu work. Any suggestions?
What version drivers are you running? Catalyst 11.11? Other?

Possible suggestion:
1. uninstall the video driver
2. run a driver cleaner app to really make sure it is gone
3. reinstall
4. Don't trust windows to update the driver. Get it yourself from AMD and install it manually.

Once the BOINC client acknowledges you have a GPU that can crunch, you shouldn't have any problem getting work from Collatz.