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Thread: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    The server was just upgrade to the bleeding edge server code of the BOINC developers. The reason is simple: There were still many showstopper OpenCL bugs in the code, which should now be out. In fact: Theoretically before the fixing of those bugs no AMD/ATI OpenCL BOINC project should have worked whatsoever. If everything goes along plan, you should see the first OpenCL app for Linux today. At the same time we are releasing the first CPU workunits for drug development today. CPU Workunits will be called firstdrug, GPU workunits will be called gpucrystal. Thanks for your patience!Deutsch:Wir mussten ein weiteres Serverupgrade auf den ungetesten und aktuellen BOINC Code durchführen. Im aktuellen ServerCode gab es noch einige Fehler, die GPU Simulationen unmöglich machten. Genauer gesagt: Mit diesen Bugs war es unmöglich ein AMD/ATI OpenCL BOINC Projekt jemals durchzuführen. Die Bugs sollten nun gefixt sein. Sofern alles nach Plan verläuft, wird die erste OpenCL für Linux heute noch released. Zeitgleich werden wir eine neue CPU Serie an Workunits rausbringen, welche erstmal direkte Medikamentenentwicklung auf POEM@HOME durchführt. Die CPU Serie wird firstdrug heissen, GPU workunits werden gpucrystal heissen. Danke für eure Geduld!


  2. #2
    Gold Member
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    I'll be checking this out for sure.
    6r39 7r199

  3. #3
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    Get um while their Hot ...

    Think I'll take a Rain Check on the POEM GPU Wu's for now anyway ...

  4. #4
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    Quote Originally Posted by STE\/E View Post
    Get um while their Hot ...

    Think I'll take a Rain Check on the POEM GPU Wu's for now anyway ...
    Either that's not really using the GPU or credit new has gotten exponentially worse. I hope they don't seriously expect people to work their GPU for CPU type credits. I'll try one to see if I get the same result.
    6r39 7r199

  5. #5
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    Yeah, their going to have to give the GPU Wu's a set amount of Credit if that's all Credit New is going to give them. Like the Albert Project gives 500 Per Wu, still not much but better than 14.5 ...

  6. #6
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    I couldn't get any.
    6r39 7r199

  7. #7
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    Quote Originally Posted by trigggl View Post
    I couldn't get any.
    Your Lucky ...

  8. #8
    Friend of SETI.USA
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    Looks like the Credit will be raised, the Project lowered the Credit way to far to begin with & realizes that now:

    Hi everybody,

    First of all: I am sory for the workunits run during the night. Actually: It's true. The relative scale of CPU vs. GPU was correct, but the CPU credit was reduced and a lot.

    The reason is simple. When everybody was complaining about CreditNew, I implemented per Workunit Credit again. It didn't work and I found out that the reason is also in the Server Code, which I was unable to fix by myself. I experimented with it and left my code intact.

    When I upgraded the server, the bug on the BOINC server side for credit per wu got fixed; hence the per wu credit was enabled without me knowing it.

    I'm sorry for that. I will change the credit of the already sent wus by a factor of 60 and change to CreditNew.

    As to pleasing the science crowd: That's really not it. Implementing the credit system in the beginning was a mistake in my opinion, but now that it's there, the only problem is gauging it out a bit between the projects. We do not want to overgrant, especially because we do not want to attract other users away from other projects. It's nice to have many users, but we do not want to cheat for that.

    Sorry again,

  9. #9
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    Something to be aware of if you crunch Poem. This is a recent email on the boinc_projects list. Unless I read this wrong, there will be a credit decrease...

    Here is the email


    (from Timo at Poem)
    > Problem 2:
    > The gpu app gives too much credit (at least a tenfold). It doesn't seem
    > to stabilize and fluctuates quite a lot between tasks, which should give
    > the same credit. I do not understand the credit system good enough to
    > see why. CPU credit did stabilize for the other app. Any remedies except
    > for fixed credit?

    (Response from D.A)
    The credit system is currently missing some logic for normalizing credit
    for applications that have only GPU versions.
    I'll add this.
    I'm not sure why it's fluctuating.

    (Timo's response to D.A)
    As to the credits: for the moment I will keep track of the overcommited
    credits and see and lower them afterwards.

    I don't crunch Poem, but I thought this may be newsworthy to those on the team that do.

  10. #10
    Gold Member
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    Re: POEM: GPU Server Upgrade, Drug Development workunits

    I was thinking the same thing when I read that, spingadus. It sounds like Timo will track the "excessive credit" and lower it later. What's not clear is whether that means taking away credit from users or just adjusting it down for future WUs. It really is sad that Timo is comlaining that the GPU app gets 10 times the credit of the CPU app and that it is too much. Either his GPU apps sucks or else he knows nothing about GPUs, or both. Also, the GPU apps are OpenCL so older ATI cards need not apply.
    Spring 2008 Race: (1st Place)

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