Quote Originally Posted by coronicus View Post
FYI the new AMD 11.12 driver corrected the locked threads on my dual and single AMD GPU setups for both the 4850x2 and the dual 6950 aswell as my single 5770... WOOT now I can use the cores for something else.. sorry took me so long to say something about it found out about it right before the PG challenge and right as i blew one of my power supplies and motherboards so was a tad busy moving parts round for PG..

So if anyone else test this out and it works for them let us know... might just be a fluk on my end but would be nice to know if it fixes it for others..
I'll have to update and see if it will free up a core for me. I'm running an AMD x2 and Moo takes both cores to run the 5970 and 5870.