Sun August 12, 2012
Project stones for the day
Yoyo@Home William Wellman 900,000
YAFU Bikermatt 650,000
charbo187 6,000
WUProp@Home Carl Johnson[SETI.USA] 40,000
Sztaki Sandy King 80,000
SubsetSum@Home brewsmith 500
brewsmith 200
brewsmith 100
charbo187 8,000
Seti@Home Jernigan 3,000
lexy6779 5,000
Jim Harding 500
lookingup 200,000
Scott 9,000
Zachary Karp 9,000
Benjamin_Hardy 40,000
Captain Kirk 30,000
Jason Dhane 350,000
grathomp 7,000
TEX 850,000
Christopher Humphries 7,000
br3nn0n 500,000
kenrob 20,000
Dan 5,000
SETI.USA Hydra 900,000
SETI.USA Hydra 850,000
Forrest Austin 400,000
Chris 40,000
Thomas Collins Jr 1,500,000
JBCourt 750,000
thisisnotken 25,000
The alien formerly known as gort 1,900,000
Cono 25,000,000
tcntx 1,700,000
RSA Lattice Siever Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 7,000
Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 6,000
Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 5,000
Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 4,000
Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 3,000
Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 2,000
Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 1,000
SETI.USA Hydra 1,000
SETI.USA Hydra 500
Slicker [TopGun] 25,000
Slicker [TopGun] 20,000
Rosetta@Home grathomp 40,000
John 80,000
Astr01 7,000
Hanna 80,000
QMC@Home Rich K 25,000
runawayninja 200
runawayninja 100
GPUGrid somanyroads 9,000,000
EvlMnky 8,500,000
PRIMABOINCA bonnjer 10,000
bonnjer 9,000
bonnjer 8,000
bonnjer 7,000
denim 2,000,000
theSkyNet POGS Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 200
Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 100
DrBob 1,000
DrBob 500
Mumps [MM] 200
Mumps [MM] 100
zombie67 [MM] 60,000
zombie67 [MM] 50,000
zombie67 [MM] 40,000
Poem@Home Ron Shurtz.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 40,000
Ron Shurtz.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 30,000
jjwhalen 400,000
EmSti 16,000,000
EmSti 15,000,000
SETI.USA Hydra 4,500,000
TrumanPal 40,000
Steve 6,000
Mumps [MM] (in memory of Rachel Chastain) 6,000,000
Maxwell [MM] 5,000,000
runawayninja 60,000
Primegrid drakkardarkblade 250,000
realmy 5,000,000
James 7,500,000
tyler o. 2,000,000
NumberFields@Home Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 3,000
Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 2,000
Sandy 70,000
NFS@Home kmanley57 3,000
kmanley57 2,000
MilkyWay@Home Jacob DeBlasio 100
MK07123 1,000
MK07123 500
Joe 250,000
natep 9,500,000
derabuf 300,000
Jake 60,000
John 4,000,000
ElysianGuardian 4,000,000
Michael 1,500,000
jjwhalen 300,000
Project stones well they are a lot they are so many that takes more than one page only to list all project stones. We are fighting hard for a better world on many projects. Keep on going, Congratulations all.
Sat August 11, 2012
Sun August 12, 2012
Maddmann 90,000,000
Curtis 25,000
Keith Hall 300,000
Dustin 20,000
J.R.(Jim) Hawkins 900,000
The alien formerly known as gort 1,900,000
eXPilce 350,000
Jim Harding 500
Jason Dhane 350,000
Calibanfaust 6,500,000
Andy 8,000,000
tcntx 1,700,000
Keith Bowers 300,000
Forrest Austin 400,000
a79dude79 150,000
Redfish 1,000
Redfish 500
David Stafford 2,000,000
Sarah 2,000
br3nn0n 500,000
Hfire76 350,000
Benjamin_Hardy 40,000
karyn 50,000,000
Epion44 150,000
Gerson Monteiro 500
mike ledford 200,000
bev 1,100,000
Jernigan 3,000
Scott 9,000
RJ 1,700,000
Matt 300,000
Brian 1,200,000
somanyroads 80,000,000
Azrielis 650,000
danman1453 7,000
kenrob 20,000
Lorien 4,000,000
lexy6779 5,000
Cono 25,000,000
Chris 40,000
BW 100,000
Captain Kirk 30,000
Henry Ausburn 4,000
lookingup 200,000
zombie67 [MM] 1,500,000,000
Today we have very special stones of all kinds. Congratulations to Zombie for 1,500,000,000 it is a huge number, I hope I can get there by the end of this century, more or less around the year 2,999. Maddmann 90,000,000, somanyroads 80,000,000, Karyn 50,000,000 and so many crunchers making their stones in our team. Thanks.