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Thread: Greeting from a member of Team China

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  1. #1

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Thanks for all the replies.
    SETI.USA is a warm team. We really want to learn from you
    We will discuss more about the challenges that our teams may cooperate in the future. Anytime, if Team SETI.USA as well as Team Musketeers need help from Team China, just let us know
    Best wishes!

  2. #2
    Past Administrator
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    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    This is truly amazing!

    A BIG Thank You to all Team China for the help they are giving to Team Musketeers. You guys are the best.

    And thank you Mike029 for a fantastic job on working to open up communications.


    Future Maker? Teensy 3.6

  3. #3

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    I just started the discussion in our forum about establishing a group whose purpose is to focus on the connections with other forums as well as teams. We do not have enough people to keep the connections with other teams. So, hope we can establish such a group and start its work in a week. Also, we will continue encourage our members to talk with friends of SETI.USA and Team Musketeers although some of them are still worry about their English even they learnt a lot in school Well, just give them a little time. Thank you

  4. #4

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Hey, and welcome to our corner of the interwebs Anyhow, if we're going to plan some challenges together, it only makes sense to create accounts over on your forum also. So when something's organized, we can view it from out the horses mouth (so to speak) Figure of speech, in case you're wondering...

    Anyhow, welcome and thanks again for the assist. Oh man, I think Moon was surprised; we weren't even expected to be competitive, let along take the lead on this one DiRT has sorta been the project they focus on most...

  5. #5

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    Dear friends in SETI.USA

    Good news!

    We have decided to establish a group which will focus on the communication with other teams. We are recruiting people in our forum now. This process is faster than I thought. Members of the group will tell you many things about our team. For example: the challenge schedule, our experience of running some projects so yes! Even you do not register our forum, you will know about the challenges in our forum. After that, if you are interested in that challenge, you can join our forum. (You don't need to register just in order to know some information ) Also, we can discuss here if we want to plan some challenges together.

    Hope this is a good news
    Last edited by Xuyongchen; 09-27-12 at 10:36 PM.

  6. #6

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    I'd be willing... The one thing we should probably mention however, is that we had already made a comittment to enter the monthly Simap challenges. But other then that, a lot is open for joining challenges cross/on another team...

    Even with the Muskaterrs who have helped S.USA with this, when they chose to run it themself this upcomming month, there was some discussion of helping them, but then there was this goal which had been set, I'm gathering about a year or so ago, for the duration of 2012? Some who have been in this team longer then I could fill in more with the details prior to my presence here... They understand, and themselves were like "that's OK, you've got a perfect run this year for it, go ahead and run it". We sort of chose to help them with the current DiRT challenge now, after those discusions.

    But I don't think we're signed up for any of the other challenges there yet; so there's a lot open, and a lot of stuff we could join in on.
    Last edited by Nuadormrac; 09-27-12 at 11:05 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: Greeting from a member of Team China

    We know this situation
    Team China also has decided all the challenges for next year. More than 20 challenges. This is just the beginning of the communication between our teams, so it might be hard to discuss the plan of challenges. However, this is just the beginning, so there are many years waiting for us.

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