Hey all, RNA world has tasks that run between 200 to 800 hours depending on your system and give 4X credit. The drawback is that these tasks do NOT checkpoint!
They are actually called XXL tasks at RNA world but about every 50th XXL will be one that runs over 150 hours and I call those XXXLs! Normal tasks receive 2X credit but tasks that run a very long time get 4X credit. If you have a reliable system and power they can be quite profitable. My power is not very reliable and I do not have a UPS so I only run one or two of these tasks at once and abort the rest. I am planing on getting a UPS for one system and running these exclusively though because they pay so well.
JagDoc is making lots of credit with a modest farm by running these tasks exclusively. Some of the tasks he is turning in are earning over 100 credits per hour which is pretty good compared to some projects.
Anyway, just a little plug for a project I like that I like.
Keep crunching!!